2-7Using the Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D and SCSI DevicesYou might want to manually terminate the SCSI card if theAdaptec SCSI Card 39320D is connected to one or more externalSCSI devices that are also connected to a SCSI card in anothercomputer. The devices can be shared between the two computers ifone SCSI card is terminated when it is powered off, while thecomputer with the other SCSI card is using the SCSI devices.Connecting SCSI DevicesHere are some examples of how you can connect internal andexternal SCSI devices to the Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D. Attach thefirst device to the end connector of the cable (furthest from the SCSIcard); attach other devices to the connectors that are closer to theSCSI card.The following figure shows Ultra320/Ultra160 and Ultra2 SCSIdevices connected to internal and external SCSI connectors of bothSCSI channels. Note the built-in terminator at the end of theinternal LVD SCSI cable. The last external SCSI device on eachSCSI channel must be terminated with an LVD/SE terminator plugto ensure that all devices will operate properly.Built-in Terminator onCableTerminated Device