THE WAN PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION SCREENLocal Management User’s GuideB-3The WPIM Timeslot Configuration TableThe WPIM Timeslot Configuration Table allows the user to configure the way in which theCabletron WAN module uses the E1 line. The configuration table consists of 32 timeslots. Only 31of the timeslots are available for use, because the first timeslot is used by the device to transmitframing data. N/A (Not Available) always displays in Timeslot #1. You must assign each of theremaining 31 timeslots an Interface number (for example, 002 for an active Interface number or000 if the timeslot is not used). When you lease an entire E1 line, you can use all 31 timeslots (thefull E1 bandwidth). If you lease only a fraction of the E1, the service provider tells you whichtimeslots to use.You can utilize timeslots any way you choose. The WPIM-E1 supports Time DivisionMultiplexing (TDM) allowing demultiplexing of circuits (timeslots) within the public network.For example, if you have access to a full E1 (31 customer-usable timeslots), and you want tocommunicate with two other sites, your configuration might look like Figure B-2.Figure B-2 Sample Timeslot ConfigurationFigure B-3 shows a sample configuration for three sites. Of the 32 timeslots, Site #1 uses the firsttimeslot for transmitting framing data, 23 timeslots to communicate with Site #2 and theremaining 8 timeslots to communicate with Site #3. This configuration varies tremendouslydepending on how the service provider maps out the E1 timeslots. Your service provider will tellyou which timeslots to configure.NOTEThe WPIM-E1 always uses the first timeslot (Timeslot #1) to transmit framing data. Afull E1 line with 32 timeslots has 31 customer-usable timeslots.SITE #1SITE #2Telco Cloud32 Timeslots(31 available to customer)23 TimeslotsSITE #38 Timeslots148402