WAN Configuration2-22Local Management User’s GuideT1 Physical ConfigurationBegin the HSIM or CyberSWITCH physical configuration by accessing the WAN PhysicalConfiguration screen through Local Management (Figure 2-1).Proceed with the following steps:1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the [WPIM X] field at the bottom of the screen. Press theSPACE bar to select the number of the WPIM being configured, then press ENTER.2. Use the arrow keys to highlight MgrType. Select PPP.3. Use the arrow keys to highlight Timeslot View. Press the SPACE bar to select New, then pressENTER. The cursor moves to Timeslot #1 of the Timeslot Configuration Table.4. Insert an interface number (see the Note on page 2-22) into every timeslot being used (in theexample shown in Figure 2-11, 16 timeslots are used, the rest have zeros in them). Type thenumber, press ENTER, then use the arrow keys to highlight the next timeslot field. Exit thisfield by using the arrow keys.The cursor automatically moves to the T1 Line Coding field.The following four steps are based on information supplied by the service provider. Consult theservice provider for the correct settings.5. Use the arrow keys to highlight T1 Line Coding. Use the SPACE bar to select B8ZS or AMI,then press ENTER.6. Use the arrow keys to highlight T1 Frame Type. Use the SPACE bar to select ESF or D4, thenpress ENTER.NOTEWhen changing from one protocol to another on a HSIM or CyberSWITCH that hasbeen operational, save NONE as the protocol before changing to another protocol.NOTEThe value assigned to the timeslots is the interface being used for WANcommunication. The next available interface is displayed on the WAN PhysicalConfiguration screen in the Next IF field (see Figure 2-3). The Next IF numbershown must be used to add a new interface. The Next IF will increment as interfacesare added. The previously entered interfaces can be modified by entering theinterface number.