14Logging Into the B064-Series KVM SwitchBrowser LoginThe B064-Series KVM Switches can be accessed via Internetbrowser from any platform that has the Java RuntimeEnvironment 6, Update 3, or higher installed. If you don’talready have the required JRE installed, it is available for freedownload from the Java web site: www.java.comNote: Windows 7 users must run Internet Explorer as an administratorfor the Active X control to work properly. If you don’t run InternetExplorer as an administrator, you will not be able to access theconnected computers.To access the switch via browser, do the following:1. Open the browser and specify the IP address of the B064-Series KVM Switch you want to access, as given to you byyour system administrator.Note: For security purposes, a login string may have been set bythe administrator. If so, you must include a forward slash andthe login string along with the IP address when you log in. (Forexample, a computer with a login string of B064-032-04-IPHwould have a URL such as When you try to log into the device from your browser,a Security Alert message appears to inform you that thedevice’s certificate is not trusted, and asks if you want toproceed. The certificate can be trusted, but the alert istriggered because the certificate’s name is not found onMicrosoft’s list of Trusted Authorities.You have two options:• If you are working on a computer other than your own,accept the certificate for just this session by clicking Yes.• If you are working at your own computer, install thecertificate. After the certificate is installed, it will berecognized as trusted. To install the certificate, do thefollowing:a) In the Security Alert dialog box, click View Certificate. TheCertificate Information dialog box appears.Note: You may need to run Internet Explorer as an Administrator inorder to view and install the certificate.b) Click Install Certificate.c) Follow the Installation Wizard to complete the installation.Unless you have a specific reason to choose otherwise,accept the default options.d) When the Wizard presents a caution screen, click Yes.e) Click Finish to complete the installation and click OK toclose the dialog box. The certificate is now trusted.Upon installing the certificate or accepting the unrecognizedcertificate for the current session, the browser login dialogbox appears.3. Provide a valid Username and Password (set by the KVMswitch’s administrator), and click Login to bring up the OSDMain Page.Note: If you supply an invalid login, the authentication routine willreturn an Invalid Username or Password message. If you see thismessage, log in again being careful to enter the correct Username andPassword.AP Windows Client LoginIn some cases, the Administrator may not want the B064-Series KVM Switches to be available via browser. The WindowsAP Client allows Windows systems users access to the KVMswitch without having to go through a browser.The AP Windows Client can be found in the Download Sectionof the OSD. If browser access to the KVM switch has alreadybeen disabled, you will need to obtain the file from yoursystem administrator. Once you have saved the AP WindowsClient, go to its location and double-click the WinClient.exe iconto bring up the Windows Client Connection Screen.Note: If you have trouble opening the AP Windows Client, save it to yourdesktop and try again. This serial number can be found on the CD thatcame with your KVM.