5IntroductionSupported BrowsersComponentsSupported browsers for users that remotely log into theB064-Series KVM Switches include:Browser VersionInternet Explorer® 8 and higherFirefox® 3.5 and higherMozilla® 1.7 and higherSafari® 4.0 and higherOpera® 10.0 and higherNetscape Navigator® 9.0 and higherFront ViewNo Component Description1 Power LEDs Depending on which power supply is providing power, the POWER 1 or POWER 2 LED will illuminatewhen the KVM switch is turned on.2 Port LEDs Port LEDs will illuminate in colors corresponding to the status of the port:Green – Illuminate green when the corresponding port is connected and powered-onRed – Illuminate red when the corresponding port is selected as having the KVM’s focus, butis either not connected to a computer/server or is connected to a computer/server that is notpowered-onOrange – Illuminate orange when the corresponding port is connected, powered-on and selectedas having the KVM’s focusNote: The Port LEDs are steady under normal conditions, but will flash at half second intervals when thecorresponding port is being accessed under Auto Scan Mode or Skip Mode.3 LAN LEDs The Primary (Link 1) and Secondary (Link 2) LAN LEDs will illuminate in colors corresponding to thenetwork transfer rate:Red – Illuminate red at speeds of 10 MbpsOrange – Illuminate orange at speeds of 100 MbpsGreen – Illuminate green at speeds of 1000 Mbps4 USB Ports Note: Only computers connected to the KVM by a B055-001-USB-V2 can access the KVMs Virtual Mediafunctionality.Additional USB ports support external keyboard and mouse, as well as virtual media functionality.5 Reset Button Note: This recessed button must be pushed with a thin object, such as the end of a paper clip or a ballpoint pen.• Pressing and releasing the Reset Button when the KVM switch is running performs a system reset.• Pressing and holding the Reset Button in for more than three seconds when the KVM switch isrunning resets the switch configuration to the factory default settings. Note: This does not clearUser Account information.• Pressing and holding the Reset Button in while powering on the switch will restore the KVM switchto its original firmware in the event of a firmware upgrade failure. Note: This operation shouldonly be performed in the event of a firmware upgrade failure that results in the device becominginoperable.6 Port SwitchingButtons• Press the Port Down button to switch from the current port to the previous port on theinstallation.• Press the Port Up button to switch from the current port to the next port on the installation.7 Laptop USB Console(LUC) PortA USB port that allows for direct connection of a laptop to the switch for easy console operation.8 Audio Ports Speakers and microphone plug in here.Note: The figure shows the front panel of a B064-032-02-IPH. The B064-032-04-IPH, B064-016-02-IPH and B064-016-04-IPH contain all the samefront-panel features as the B064-032-04-IPH, except the B064-016-04-IPH and B064-016-02-IPH come with 16 ports instead of 32.1177 44 55 88 6622 33