User Management35OSD OperationDevice AssignmentWhen a user logs onto the KVM switch, the ports that theyare allowed to access are displayed in the port list. Ports thatthey are not allowed to access are not displayed. Port accessrights, as well as access to virtual media functionality andconfiguration settings, is assigned on a port-by-port basis inthe user or group Device tab. To access the Device tab, youmust pull up the user or group information page, and thenclick on the Device tab at the top-right of the page.The Device tab page includes a list of the master KVM switchand its ports on the left, and three permission columns to theright of the list.• Access – Determines if the account can access the port, andif so, whether they have View Only or Full access.• USB – Determines if the account can access virtual mediamounted to the port, and if so, whether they have Read orRead/Write access.• Config – If the box is checked next to a port, the accountis given access to edit the Port Configuration settings. (SeePort Configuration section under OSD Operation for details.)Note: For Configuration access to take effect, the account must alsohave been given Port Configuration permission. (See the Adding UserAccounts section under User Management for details.)To assign device permissions, do the following:1. Select the user/group name from the user/group list, or select the user/group name in the main panel and click the Modifybutton.2. In the user/group notebook page that appears, click on the Device tab.3. Click on the Access, USB or Config checkbox next to the desired port to toggle through the permission options. For the Accessand USB columns, you can choose between full access, view only access or no access. For the Config column, you can choosebetween enabled or disabled. The permission types are exactly the same as those described in the Access sub-section. (SeeAccess section for details.)4. When you have finished assigning permissions, click the Save button.Note: You can simultaneously assign port access to multiple ports using the [Shift] or [Ctrl] keys. To highlight a group of consecutive ports, startby highlighting the first port, hold down the [Shift] key, and then highlight the last port that you wish to highlight. All ports from the first one youhighlighted to the last will be highlighted. You can then click on any of the permission checkboxes to change that permission for all of the highlightedports. To highlight multiple non-consecutive ports, start by highlighting the first port, hold down the [Ctrl] key, and then highlight each additional portone by one while continuing to hold down the [Ctrl] key. When all of the desired ports are highlighted, click on any checkbox to change that permissionfor all of the highlighted ports.Account PolicyThe Account Policy section allows rules for usernames and passwords to be regulated. The settings in this section are describedin the table below.Item DescriptionMinimum UsernameLengthSets the minimum number of characters required for each username. Values from 1 to 16 can beentered.Minimum PasswordLengthSets the minimum number of characters required for each password. Values can be from 0 to 16.Password Must Containat Least• One Upper Case – Checking this box will require that each password contain one upper case letter• One Lower Case – Checking this box will require that each password contain one lower case letter• One Number – Checking this box will require that each password contain one numberNote: Current usernames and passwords are not affected when these settings are changed. Only usernames andpasswords that are created after these settings have been changed must follow the rules.Disable Duplicate Login Checking this box will prevent users from logging in with the same username and password to openmore than one session at the same time.Enforce PasswordHistoryChecking this box will require users to create a unique password that does not match the last (x)number of passwords used prior.