46OSD OperationOpenLDAP Server ConfigurationThe main OpenLDAP configuration file, slapd.conf, has to becustomized before launching the server. The modifications tothe configuration file will do the following:• Specify the Unicode data directory. The default is ./ucdata.• Choose the required LDAP schemas. The core schema ismandatory.• Configure the path for the OpenLDAP pid and args start upfiles. The first contains the server pid, the second includescommand line arguments.• Choose the database type. The default is bdb (Berkeley DB).• Specify the server suffix. All entries in the directory willhave this suffix, which represents the root of the directorytree. For example, with suffix dc=tripplite,dc=com, the fullyqualified name of all entries in the database will end withdc=tripplite,dc=com.• Define the name of the administrator entry for the server(rootdn), along with its password (rootpw). This is theserver’s super user. The rootdn name must match the suffixdefined above. (Since all entry names must end with thedefined suffix, and the rootdn is an entry)An example configuration file is provided in the figure, below:Starting the OpenLDAP ServerTo start the OpenLDAP Server, run slapd (the OpenLDAPServer executable file) from the command line. slapdsupports a number of command line options, the mostimportant option is the d switch that triggers debuginformation. For example, a command of slapd -d 256 wouldstart OpenLDAP with a debug level of 256, as shown in thefollowing screenshot:Note: For details about slapd options and their meanings, refer to theOpenLDAP documentation.Customizing the OpenLDAP SchemaThe schema that slapd uses may be extended to supportadditional syntaxes, matching rules, attribute types, andobject classes. In the case of the B064-Series KVM Switch,the B064-Series KVM Switch User class and the permissionattribute are extended to define a new schema. The extendedschema file used to authenticate and authorize users loggingin to the B064-Series KVM Switch is shown in the figure,below:attributetype( ‘B0064-032-01-IPH-AccessRight’EQUALITY caseIgnore.MatchSUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatchSYNTAX ‘User’SUP organizationalPersonSTRUCTURALMAY (B0064-032-01-IPH-AccessRight $userCertificate))LDAP DIT Design and LDIF FileLDAP Data StructureAn LDAP Directory stores information in a tree structureknown as the Directory Information Tree (DIT). The nodesin the tree are directory entries, and each entry containsinformation in attribute-value form. An example of the LDAPdirectory tree for the B064-Series KVM Switch is shown in thefigure below:Advanced Network Management Settingsucdata-path ./ucdatainclude ./schema/core.schemapidfile ./run/slapd.pidargsfile ./run/slapd.argsdatabase bdbsuffix “dc=eaton, dc=com”rootdn “cn=Manager, dc=eaton, dc=com”rootpw secretdirectory ./data