17OSD Tab BarThe number and type of icons that appear on the tab bar at the top of the page are determined by user type (SuperAdministrator, Administrator or User) and the permissions assigned when the account was created. The functions associatedwith each of the icons are explained in the following table:Icon DescriptionPort Access: This page is used to access and control the devices on the KVM switch installation. This page isavailable to all users.User Management: This page is used to create and manage Users and Groups, and to assign devices tothem. This page is available to Super Administrator and Administrators, ordinary users will not have access toit.Device Management: This page is used by the Super Administrator to configure and control the overalloperation of the KVM switch. This page is available to Super Administrators or Administrators/Users whohave been given access.Log: This page displays the contents of the log file. (See Log section under OSD Operation for details.)Maintenance: This page is used to install new versions of the B064-Series KVM Switch firmware. This page isavailable to Super Administrators or Administrators/Users who have been given access.Download: Users with appropriate permission can click this icon to download the AP Windows Client, the APJava Client and the Log Server. This page is available to all users, although what downloads a User can accessis determined by the Super Administrator or Administrator. Note: The Download icon is not available via thelocal console.There are three small icons in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Their functions are described in the following table:Icon DescriptionClick this icon to close the OSD page and return to the display of the last selected port.Note: This icon is not available in the Web Browser Main Page.Click this icon to display the firmware version of the B064-Series KVM Switch.Click this icon to log out and end your B064-Series KVM Switch session.OSD OperationThe OSD Main PageLocal Console Main PageThe Local Console Main Page is the same as the AP Client Main Page except that the Downloads icon in the tab bar is notavailable.The Port Access section of the OSD is where users can access KVM ports, and control settings that directly affect that access. Thesub-sections contained in the Port Access section are described in the pages that follow.Port Access