68Remote SessionVirtual MediaVirtual Media via Remote SessionWhen accessing a connected computer remotely, you can use media from the computer you are accessing the KVM switch withon the remote computer. You are also able to access media connected to the USB ports on the front of the KVM switch; however,media connected to these ports needs to be mounted via the local console. (See Virtual Media via Local Console section underControl Panel in Remote Session Operation for details.) To access virtual media via remote session, follow the instructions below.Note: When accessing the KVM remotely with a Windows Vista or 7 computer, you must run Internet Explorer as an administrator for virtual media tofunction properly.1. Click the Virtual Media icon on the control panel to bring upthe following screen.Note: The T button in the upper-right corner brings up a slider bar thatallows you to adjust the transparency of the virtual media screen. Whenyou’re finished making an adjustment, simply click anywhere on the screento close the slider bar.2. Click the Add button and then select the desired media fromthe list of media sources that appears. Each selected mediasource will allow you to choose the available drive, file, folderor removable disk.Note: If your media source is USB 1.1, check the Disable High Speed USBOperation Mode checkbox.3. Repeat this step to add as many media sources as you wantto the Virtual Media screen. To remove a media source fromthe list, highlight it and click the Remove button.Note: Only 3 media sources can be used at any one time, with the top3 sources in the list being the active devices. To rearrange the deviceorder, highlight the desired device and use the arrow keys on the rightof the screen to move the device up or down in the list.4. Some media sources are Read Only, whereas others areRead/Write. Those that are Read/Write can be viewed onthe remote computer, and can have data from the remotecomputer added to them. Those that are Read Only can onlybe viewed. Read Only media sources will be grayed out in thelist, not allowing you to check the Enable Write checkbox tothe left of the source. Read/Write sources will not be grayedout, and you will be able to decide whether data can beadded to them or not. By default, Read/Write sources aredisplayed with the Enable Write checkbox unchecked, whichmeans that data cannot be added to them. To allow datafrom the remote computer to be added to a media source,simply check the Enable Write checkbox to the left of it in thelist.5. Once all media sources are added, and the desired 3 mediasources are at the top of the list, click the Mount button toclose the dialog box and open the media sources on theremote computer.Note: Depending on the speed of your network and the size of themedia source, it may take 30 seconds or so for the dialog box to closeand the media to open on the remote computer.6. To disconnect the media sources from the remote computer,click on the Virtual Media icon in the control panel.Control Panel