18OSD OperationUser Settings (B064-008-01-IPG and B064-016-01-IPG Models only)No Item Description1 UserInformationDisplays the user information anddescription.2 UserPerferencesConfigures the user perference settings.3 ChangePasswordChanges the login password.4 Logout Logs out and ends the session.5 AccessOnline HelpClick to visit Eaton's website.1122334455User SettingsUser PreferencesThe User Preferences page allows users to set up their ownindividual working environments. The switch stores a separateconfiguration record for each user profile and sets up theworking configuration according to the Username that was keyedinto the Login dialog box:Setting FunctionLanguage Selects the language that the interfacedisplays in.OSD Hotkey Selects which Hotkey controls the GUIfunction: [Scroll Lock] [Scroll Lock] is thedefault. To select a different combination,click the arrow at the right of the box to viewa drop-down the list of choices.ID Display Selects how the Port ID is displayed: thePort Number alone (PORT NUMBER), thePort Name alone (PORT NAME) or the PortNumber plus the Port Name (PORT NUMBER+ PORT NAME). The default is PORT NUMBER+ PORT NAME.ID Duration Determines how long a Port ID displays onthe monitor after a port change has takenplace. You can choose an amount from1 - 255 seconds. The default is 3 Seconds.A setting of 0 (zero) indicates the Port ID isalways on.ScanDurationDetermines how long the focus dwells oneach port as it cycles through the selectedports in Auto Scan Mode. Key in a value from1 - 255 seconds. The default is 5 seconds anda setting of 0 disables the Scan function.Setting FunctionScreenBlankerIf there is no input from the console for theamount of time set with this function, thescreen will be blank. Key in a value from 1 - 30minutes. A setting of 0 disables this function.The default is 0 (disabled).Note: Although this function can be set from eitherthe local console or a remote login, it only affects thelocal console monitor.LogoutTimeoutIf there is no user input for the amountof time set with this function, the user isautomatically logged out. A login is necessarybefore the KVM over IP switch can beaccessed again.Toolbar Selects whether or not the Port Toolbar isenabled when a port is accessedViewer* In the browser version of this page, a Viewersection is available. You can choose whichviewer method is preferred when connectingto a port by clicking the up or down arrow toshift viewer method position around.Usable viewers are automatically determinedby the status of the system at the time of thelogin and by the type of browser. When youtry to connect to a port (double-click the portor select a port and click the Connect), thesystem will use the viewer according to theviewer list.• The top-most method is the mostpreferred method and is listed as #1 (WebClient by default).• If the preferred method is supported whenconnecting to a port, the system will tryconnecting using the preferred method.• If the method is not supported, the systemwill try connecting using the next method,and try the last method last.Save Click Save to save any changes made to theUser Preferences settings.Notes:• *This item is only available with the browser version.• The local console’s User Preferences page additionally (and exclusively)provides the alarm setting for users to turn the device’s alrm on(default) or off.