85Panel Array Mode TroubleshootingJava Applet & AP Java Client TroubleshootingProblem ActionThe video resolution is of lowquality.This occasionally occurs when the screens are scaled down to fit into each panel. Decreasethe number of panels that are displayed.When multiple remote users arelogged in, some of them onlyreceive a partial image.The first user to invoke Panel Array Mode should set it to display at least four panels.For mouse synchronization problems, see Manual Mouse Synchronization section under Control Panel in Remote SessionOperation. For connection and operation problems, see the table below:Problem ActionThe AP Java Client won’t connect tothe B064-Series KVM Switch.• Java Runtime Environment 6, Update 3 or higher must be installed on your computer.• If a login string has been set, make sure to include the forward slash and correct string(see Login String section under Device Management in OSD Operation for details) whenyou specify the B064-Series KVM Switch’s IP address.• Try closing the Java client and opening it again.Pressing the WindowsMenu key has no effect.Java doesn’t support the Windows Menu key.Java Client performancedeteriorates.Exit the program and start again.National language characters donot appear.You must set the appropriate keyboard language in the Port Properties tab of the PortAccess page. (See Port Properties section under Connections in OSD Operation for details.)After upgrading the firmware of myKVM switch and logging into theOSD, my switch is still showing theold firmware version number.You need to delete your Java temporary internet files. Open Control Panel > Java, and clickon the Settings button in the Temporary Internet Files section. In the Disk Space section, clickon Delete Files. When prompted, click OK.When I try to add a folder to bemounted as a Virtual Media Drive, Iam unable to select the folder. Theonly option I have is desktop.In the folder selection entry field, enter the root directory of the folder you want to add.After that, the folders contained under the root directory will be displayed.AppendixLog Server TroubleshootingProblem ActionThe Log Server program does notrun.The Log Server requires the Microsoft Jet OLEDB 4.0 driver in order to access the database.This driver is automatically installed with Windows ME, 2000 and XP. For Windows 98 or NT,you will have to go to the Microsoft download site:http://www.microsoft.com/data/download.htm to retrieve the driver file: MDAC 2.7 RTMRefresh (2.70.9001.0).Since this driver is used in Windows Office Suite, an alternate method of obtaining it is toinstall Windows Office Suite. Once the driver file or Suite has been installed, the Log Serverwill run.