64Remote SessionSystem MacrosThe System Macros page allows you to add macros to the KVMswitch that can be performed automatically upon closing asession. For example, you can create a macro that sends theWinkey-L combination, causing a computer’s login page tocome up the next time it is accessed. To display the SystemMacros page when it isn’t selected, click on the System Macrosbutton at the top of the Hotkeys / Macros screen.To create a macro, follow the steps below.1. Click the Add button on the right side of the screen.2. In the name field that appears, key in a name for the macroyou are adding.3. With the new macro highlighted, click the Record button onthe right side of the screen. Recording will begin and thefollowing panel will be displayed in the upper-left corner ofthe remote screen.4. Enter in the macro hotkey sequence and then click the Donebutton. You will be returned to the System Macros screen,with your macro name and hotkey combination added tothe list. Repeat this procedure for any additional macrosyou wish to create.Note: Clicking the Pause button will pause/unpause the recordingof the hotkey sequence. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel therecording of the hotkey sequence. Clicking the Show button willdisplay the hotkeys as they are entered.Once system macros are created, they are available to beassigned to ports, with only one macro allowed per port. (Seethe Port Configuration section under OSD Operation for detailson assigning system macros.)User MacrosThe User Macros page allows you to add macros to the KVMswitch that can be performed on any of the connectedcomputers using the Macro List feature of the control panel.(See Macro List section under Control Panel in Remote SessionOperation for details.) By default, the User Macros page isdisplayed when the Hotkeys / Macros icon is clicked on. Todisplay the page when it isn’t selected, click on the UserMacros button at the top of the Hotkeys / Macros screen.To create a macro, follow the steps below.1. Click the Add button on the right side of the screen.2. In the name field that appears, key in a name for the macroyou are adding.3. With the new macro highlighted, click the Record button onthe right side of the screen. Recording will begin and thefollowing panel will be displayed in the upper-left corner ofthe remote screen.4. Enter in the macro hotkey sequence and then click the Donebutton. You will be returned to the User Macros screen, withyour macro name and hotkey combination added to the list.Repeat this procedure for any additional macros you wish tocreate.Note: Clicking the Pause button will pause/unpause the recordingof the hotkey sequence. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel therecording of the hotkey sequence. Clicking the Show button willdisplay the hotkeys as they are entered.Control Panel