33OSD OperationUser Management3. The group information screen that appears is similar to theuser information screen, except that the Status section isnot displayed. Edit the group information the same as with auser account.4. When your selections have been made click Save.5. When the Operation Succeeded popup appears, click OK.6. Click Group in the List panel to return to the main screen.The new group appears in the list and in the main panel, aswell.At this point you can do any of the following:• Assign users to the group by selecting the Members tab inthe group’s notebook. (See Assigning Users to a Group fromthe Group’s Notebook section under User Management fordetails.)• Assign port access rights for a group by selecting theDevices tab. (See Device Assignment section for details.)• Add more groups and/or users and finish configuring thegroup account later.Groups – Modifying GroupsTo modify a group, do the following:1. Click the group’s name in the Group list or select the group’sname in the Main Panel and click Modify.2. Make any necessary changes to the group account and clickSave.Groups – Deleting GroupsTo delete a group do the following:1. Select the group’s name in the main panel and click Delete.2. A confirmation dialog box will appear asking if you are sureyou want to delete the selected group account. Click OK.Assigning Users to GroupsThere are two ways to assign users to a group and removethem from a group; via the User’s notebook or Group’snotebook.Assigning Users to a Group via the User’s NotebookTo assign a user to a group from the User’s notebook, do thefollowing:1. Select the user’s name from the User List or select theuser’s name from the Main Panel and click Modify.Note: Super Administrators can not be assigned to a group, as theyalready have access to the entire installation.Removing Users From a Group via the User’s NotebookTo remove a user from a group from the User’s notebook, dothe following:1. Select the user’s name from the User List or select theuser’s name from the Main Panel and click Modify.2. When the user’s notebook appears, select the Groups tab. Ascreen similar to the one below appears:3. In the Selected column, select the group that you want toremove the user from.4. Click the Left Arrow to remove the group’s name from theSelected column and put it back into the Available column.Click Save.2. When the user’s notebook appears, select the Groups tab. Ascreen similar to the one below appears:3. In the Available column, select the group that you want theuser to be in.4. Click the Right Arrow to put the group’s name into theSelected column and click Save.