63HotkeysVarious configuration actions related to the keyboard, videoand mouse can be performed via hotkey combinations. TheHotkey setup utility is accessed by clicking on the Hotkey /Macros icon and then clicking on the Hotkeys button at thetop of the screen. The Hotkeys screen displays the availablehotkeys and their corresponding hotkey combinations.By default, the only hotkeys that are enabled are the ExitRemote Location and Substitute Alt Key hotkeys. To enable/disable a hotkey, simply check/uncheck the box to the left ofit. To change a hotkey’s command sequence, follow the stepsbelow.1. Highlight the desired hotkey and click on the Set Hotkeybutton.2. Key in the desired hotkey combination, one key at a time.The keys will be displayed in the hotkey column as they areentered.Note: Clicking the Cancel button will cancel the recording process.Clicking on the Clear button will delete any keys that you enteredwhile keeping the recording process active.3. When finished entering the hotkey sequence, click on theSave button.Note: Clicking the Reset button will restore all of the default hotkeycommand sequences, and enable/disable defaults. You can use thesame function keys for more than one hotkey command sequence, aslong as the first key is not the same. For example, you can use [F1, F2, F3]for one action and [F2, F1, F3] for another, but you cannot use [F1, F3,F2] once [F1, F2, F3] has been used.Remote SessionThe table below lists the default hotkeys, along with a description of their functions and their default command sequences.Hotkey Description Command SequenceExit Remote Location Closes you out of a remote session. [F2, F3, F4]Adjust Video Opens the Video Settings screen. [F5, F6, F7]Toggle Control Panel Toggles the Control Panel off and on. When off, you will not be able toaccess the control panel.[F3, F4, F5]Toggle Mouse Display Toggles the local mouse pointer between an arrow and a tiny circle.Note: This Hotkey appears when accessing the WIN Client only.[F7, F8, F9]Adjust Mouse When the local and remote mouse pointers go out of sync, this commandbrings them back together again.[F8, F7, F6]Video Auto-Sync Performs a video auto-sync. [F6, F7, F8]Show/Hide LocalCursorToggles the local mouse pointer on/off. [F4, F5]Substitute Ctrl Key By default, hotkey combinations that use the Ctrl key, such as [Ctrl, Alt,Delete], get sent to the local computer. This hotkey allows you to set asubstitute Ctrl key that can be used for the remote computer.F11Substitute Alt Key By default, hotkey combinations that use the Alt key, such as [Ctrl, Alt,Delete], get sent to the local computer. This hotkey allows you to set asubstitute Alt key that can be used for the remote computer.F12Control Panel