Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06 9366..22..88 TTrraannssffeerr ttoo MMaaiinntteennaannccee BByyppaassss aanndd LLooaadd BBaannkk SSeeqquueenncceeKey Operation: Transfer UPS system from Load Bank1. Open the LBB breaker. Turn key K-LB and remove from the LBB breaker lock and insert it into the MIBlock.2. Verify key K-ML is in the LBB breaker lock. If not present, remove key K-ML from one of the other LoadBank breakers common to the system Load Bank and insert into the LBB lock.NOTE Multiple systems share a common load bank. A single K-ML key is used to prevent morethan one system from being connected to the load bank at a time. Key K-ML must beinserted in the Load Bank breaker lock of the system to be connected to the load bank.Key Operation: Transfer UPS system from Maintenance Bypass1. Place the UPS in Bypass mode. See the applicable UPS Operation/Installation manual for details ontransferring the UPS to Bypass mode.NOTE Key K-UO CANNOT be released from the SKRU until the UPS is in Bypass mode. Oncekey K-UO is turned and released from the SKRU, the UPS transfer to normal (OnInverter) will be inhibited.2. Verify that the ENABLE light on the SKRU is illuminated. Turn and release key K-UO from the SKRU lock.3. Insert key K-UO into the MIB breaker lock. Turn key K-UO to unlock the MIB breaker. Close the MIBbreaker.4. Close the MBB breaker. Turn and remove key K-MB from the MBB lock and insert it into the SKRU lock.The UPS is now in Normal mode (on inverter). The critical load is supported by the UPS.66..33 SSiinnggllee UUPPSS SSyysstteemm OOnneelliinnee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnssThe system oneline drawings in this section show the simplified internal structure of the UPS, battery supply,and basic maintenance bypass. See site specific custom oneline drawings for further detail.Table 23. Oneline ConfigurationsOneline Drawing UPS Model System TypeFigure 57 Eaton 9395C Single Reverse Transfer UPS – Two PM, Common RectifierFeed, Common Battery, Dual-Feed ConfigurationFigure 58 Eaton 9395C Simplified Dual-Feed UPS with Maintenance Bypass PanelUnderstanding UPS Operation