134 Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 0610. Close all battery breakers.11. To activate, enable, or disable any of the UPS operational modes, follow the online screen prompts.77..55..22 SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss SSyysstteemm iinn BByyppaassss MMooddeeIf the inverter output of the distributed bypass system is not available and the critical load needs to beenergized, start the distributed bypass system in bypass mode.In Bypass mode, the critical load is not protected from commercial power interruptions and abnormalities.To start in bypass mode:If any UPS output is on, do not close the MOBs of any non-powered attached parallel units. Closing the MOBsmay open or blow the non-active unit's output fuses.1. Close all Module Output Breakers (MOBs).2. Close all UPS Bypass input feeder circuit breakers.3. Observe the UPS control panel displays becoming active, indicating logic power.4. Press the LOCK icon on any screen. The Sign In screen is displayed. Use operator password to log in(factory default password is 0101) (see Figure 68 and Figure 69).5. Select the Power Maps tab on the Home screen, and verify the UPS status on the UPS Power Mapscreen and Power Module status on the UPS Module Map screen (see Figure 82 and Figure 89).6. Return to the Home screen and select the Controls tab (see Figure 70).7. On the System Controls screen, select Go To Bypass (see Figure 79). Select “Yes” when prompted.8. From the Home screen menu, select Logs and verify no alarms are active on the Active Event screen (seeFigure 90). The UPS start up sequence begins.The critical load is immediately supplied after pre-charge by the bypass source in Bypass mode.77..55..33 SSiinnggllee UUPPSS SShhuuttddoowwnn uussiinngg LLooaadd OOffffNOTE To shut down a single UPS, MOBs with dual auxiliary contacts must be installed andconnected.To shut down a single UPS:1. Open the MOB for the UPS being shut down.2. On the UPS to shut down, press the Controls tab on the Home menu bar. The System Controls screen isdisplayed.3. Select the LOAD OFF command.NOTE Load Off will turn off only the UPS being shut down. The remaining UPSs will remainonline supplying power to the critical load.4. Perform the LOAD OFF procedure in paragraph 7.5.7 Using the UPS LOAD OFF Command on the UPSbeing shut down. The input contactor opens and the power module is turned off on the UPS being shutdown. Logic power remains on.UPS Operating Instructions