74 Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 0655..22 IInnssttaalllliinngg DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss CCoonnttrrooll WWiirriinnggNOTE 1 When installing external wiring to the Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card, conduitmust be installed to the UPS cabinet. When installing internal wiring to the PowerwareHot Sync CAN Bridge Card terminals, route the wiring through the internal opening inthe X-Slot communication bay.NOTE 2 When installing interface wiring for the pull chain, conduit must be installed betweenUPSs.To install distributed bypass control wiring:1. Verify the UPS system is turned off and all power sources are removed. SeeChapter 7 UPS Operating Instructions for shutdown instructions.2. Perform the procedure listed in paragraph5.1 Installing an Optional Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card.3. Terminal block TB3 is accessible on the left side of the X-Slot communication bay (see Figure 34). To gainaccess to terminal block TB1, TB2, and the left interface entry conduit landing plates, remove the screwssecuring the top internal safety shield panel and remove the panel. Retain the hardware for later use.4. Remove the interface entry conduit landing plates to drill or punch holes (see Figure 27).5. Reinstall the interface entry plates and install the conduit.6. To locate the appropriate terminals and review the wiring and termination requirements, see paragraph3.2.5 UPS System Interface Wiring Preparation, Table 15, and Figure 34 through Figure 36.7. Route and install CAN wiring between the UPS cabinets. See Figure 42 and Table 17 for the Hot Sync CANBridge Card terminal location and Figure 43, and Table 18 for wiring information.8. Route and install distributed bypass system pull-chain wiring between the UPS cabinets and customer-supplied tie cabinet MOBs. See Figure 44 and Table 20 for wiring information.NOTE Setup of the Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card for parallel operation must beperformed by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer. Contact an Eaton servicerepresentative to schedule a date.9. Reinstall the top internal safety shield panel and secure with the retained hardware.10. Close the door and secure the latch.Installing Options and Accessories