140 Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06infrastructure devices, providing Eaton with the insight needed to make recommendations and take action onyour behalf. It is also powered by CA Technologies, bringing together the best in hardware and software.PredictPulse Service is included at no charge during the first year of Eaton 9395C UPS operation (warrantyperiod) along with the required connectivity parts. Beyond that, it may be purchased with Eaton SupportAgreements or as a standalone subscription after the initial warranty expires. PredictPulse may also besubscribed to for free as part of a 90-day trial period. PredictPulse availability and first year bundled offers mayvary by market. For more information, visit www.eaton.com/predictpulse.88..22..11 PPrreeddiiccttPPuullssee FFeeaattuurreessPredictPulse provides proactive monitoring, an online dashboard, mobile app with alarm status information anda monthly report detailing the ongoing health of your Eaton 9395C UPS. Features include:• Proactive monitoring that automatically analyzes the status of the Eaton 9395C UPS 96 times every day(every 15 minutes). All health data gathered from the unit, current and historical, is analyzed at theCustomer Reliability Center (CRC). Algorithms and sophisticated analytics software is constantly scanningyour UPS's data for potential failures. Anomalies are escalated to a Software and Monitoring analyst orTechnical Support specialist. Critical events are remotely diagnosed to expedite repairs, including smartdispatch of field technicians with probable cause and likely parts (avoiding return visits due to lack ofrequired parts). Through this service, the CRC can take pre-emptive, corrective action to ensure thehighest level of availability of your Eaton 9395C UPS system.• Easy self-installation in minutes from a wizard installer or directly from the PowerXpert Gateway UPS card.PredictPulse uses standard Eaton connectivity hardware, requiring no special software (devices only needto be connected to a network).• Ability to give an unlimited number of coworkers access to the real-time data and reports found inPredictPulse’s online dashboard and mobile app. This allows you to collaborate and Eaton to notify themost appropriate person responsible for a specific site or device• Real-time access to key performance information, alarms and trended health data about your Eaton 9395CUPS via the PredictPulse online dashboard. Depending on the model, the dashboard aggregates allsubscribed devices and provides detailed information about voltages, loads, energy savings, service levels,external factors such as temperature and humidity, attached batteries, and system availability. All of thesefactors contribute to the Relative Performance Index (RPI) score that allows you to compare your unit'shealth relative to Eaton's optimum UPS operating levels.• Real-time alarm events for all subscribed devices via the PredictPulse mobile app (Apple and Android). Youcan track all alarms by device. As critical alarms occur, Eaton will acknowledge them so you know whenEaton has diagnosed the alarm (and pending notification of resolution).• A monthly summary report that delivers key performance information, alarms and trended health dataabout your Eaton 9395C UPS system, based on the prior month’s data.• A foundation based on CA Technologies’ leading Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) softwareapplication. This enables powerful reporting, analytics, security and compatibility with hundreds of powerinfrastructure devices.88..22..22 IInnssttaalllliinngg PPrreeddiiccttPPuullsseeA quick start guide and self-installation wizard tool are available at www.eaton.com/predictpulse. The latestupdates, installation tips and information on connecting PredictPulse are also available at that link. Forinstallation support or questions about PredictPulse, contact predictpulsesupport@eaton.com.PredictPulse relies on a Power Xpert Gateway UPS card installed with the UPS to send one-way outboundSMTP e-mails to Eaton, as well as an environmental monitoring probe (EMP) for battery temperature/humiditymonitoring. PredictPulse is secure as Eaton never communicates through your firewall, it only listens for healthdata and alarm data and uses industry-standard security protocols. By using a common e-mail transportmechanism, you do not have to open your network to proprietary or potentially unsecure protocols andtransports. The PXGX connectivity card gathers information directly from the UPS and any external sensors thatCommunication