Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06 13377..55 MMuullttiippllee UUPPSS DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss OOppeerraattiioonnThis section provides operating instructions for a UPS system containing multiple UPSs in a Distributed BypassSystem configuration.NOTE To obtain any system information, follow the on screen prompts to get to the properscreen. The operator cannot inadvertently cause a system dump or disconnect unlessthey override a warning pop-up. Value or information screens DO NOT affect systemoperation• If any UPS output is on, do not close the MOBs of any non-powered attached parallel units. Closing theMOBs may open or blow the non-active unit's output fuses.• Do not attempt to close battery breakers until the UPS is online.77..55..11 SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss SSyysstteemm iinn OOnnlliinnee MMooddeeTo start the distributed bypass system:If any UPS output is on, do not close the MOBs of any non-powered attached parallel units. Closing the MOBsmay open or blow the non-active unit's output fuses.1. Close all Module Output Breakers (MOBs).2. Close all UPS input feeder circuit breakers.3. Close all UPS Bypass input feeder circuit breakers.4. Observe the UPS control panel displays becoming active, indicating logic power.5. Press the LOCK icon on any screen. The Sign In screen is displayed. Use operator password to log in(factory default password is 0101) (see Figure 68 and Figure 69).6. Select the Power Maps tab on the Home screen, and verify the UPS status on the UPS Power Mapscreen and Power Module status on the UPS Module Map screen (see Figure 82 and Figure 87Figure 87).7. Return to the Home screen and select the Controls tab (see Figure 70).8. On the System Controls screen, select Go Online (see Figure 79). Select “Yes” when prompted.9. From the Home screen menu, select Logs and verify no alarms are active on the Active Event screen (seeFigure 90). The UPS start up sequence begins.• If Auto Bypass is enabled (factory default), the critical load is immediately supplied after pre-charge bythe bypass source in Bypass mode from all UPSs, until the inverter turns on and the UPSs transfer toOnline mode. The status indicator on the UPS control panel indicates the UPS is in Bypass mode. IfAuto Bypass is not enabled, the UPS outputs remain off until the UPSs turn on the inverter.• The rectifier and inverter turn on. The inverter continues to ramp up to full voltage.• When the inverter reaches full voltage, the static switch turns off. Power is now supplied to the criticalload in Online mode. It takes approximately one minute for the UPS to achieve Online mode.• The Online status indicator is illuminated. The UPS status indicates ONLINE on the header section ofthe screen. The UPM status indicates Active on the UPS Module Map screen (see Figure 87).UPS Operating Instructions