28 Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06• The building alarms can be programmed to display the alarm functional name.• LAN drops for use with X-Slot connectivity cards must be provided by the customer and may need to useClass 1 wiring, see above.• The UPS battery aux signal wiring from the UPS must be connected to the battery disconnect device.• The REPO feature opens all contactors in the UPS cabinet and isolates power from your critical load. Localelectrical codes may also require tripping upstream protective devices to the UPS.• The REPO switch must be a latching-type switch not tied to any other circuits.• A jumper wire must be connected between pins 1 and 2 on TB1, if the normally-closed REPO contact isnot used.• REPO wiring should be a minimum of 22 AWG and a maximum of 14 AWG.• The REPO switch wiring must be in accordance with NEC Article 725 Class 2 requirements.• The maximum distance between the REPO and the UPS cannot exceed 150 meters (500 feet).• Alarm relay contacts have a maximum current rating of 5A and a switched voltage rating of 30 Vac and28 Vdc.• Alarm relay wiring should be a minimum of 22 AWG.NOTE 1 On all 9395C-1100 models that will be fed by a site generator at any time it isrecommended to have an “On Generator” sensing input connected and provenfunctional. This allows the UPS to optimize its operation with the generator. Thisfunction includes reduced input current and battery current limits, slower walk-in to easethe load step on the generator initially, and HIGH ALERT mode for ESS.NOTE 2 HIGH ALERT mode is desired because any loads with a leading power factor will not beseen by the generator. Rectifier operation will be much softer while on generatorthereby increasing overall system stability.33..22..66 DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss PPoowweerr WWiirriinngg PPrreeppaarraattiioonnNOTE For full-rated operation of a Distributed Bypass System when in Bypass or ESS mode,the line frequency impedance of all conduction paths must be equal when assessedfrom the point where the Bypass Power Source connects to the System Switchgear tothe point where the Common Load connects to the System Switchgear.Read and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:• All distributed bypass UPS rectifier inputs must come from one source and all bypass input feeds mustcome from one source.• The 9395C unit is designed for operation on a ground wire source of supply. There is no additionalconnection point for a neutral conductor. The output of this UPS will not directly support phase to neutralloads.• The tie cabinet must contain Module Output Breakers (MOBs) with dual auxiliary contacts for control ofthe system.33..33 IInnssppeeccttiinngg aanndd UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee UUPPSS CCaabbiinneettssThe UPS cabinet is divided into two sections palleted separately for shipping. The sections are shipped boltedto wooden pallets (see Figure 11 and Figure 12) and protected with outer protective packaging material.UPS Installation Plan and Unpacking