Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06 71CChhaapptteerr 55 IInnssttaalllliinngg OOppttiioonnss aanndd AAcccceessssoorriieessRead and understand the following notes while planning and performing the wiring installation:• Conduit must be installed between the UPS cabinet and the device for signal wiring. Conduit must beinstalled between the device and the power source for power wiring. Install the signal wiring in separateconduit from the power wiring.• Conduit and wiring between the UPS and the device are to be supplied by the customer.• Maximum distance between the UPS cabinet and the device is not to exceed 150 meters (500 feet).• Use Class 1 wiring methods (as defined by the NEC) for interface and power wiring from 30 to 600V.• Use Class 2 wiring methods (as defined by the NEC) for interface and power wiring up to 30V. The wireshould be rated at 24V, 1A minimum.• Signal wiring should be a minimum of 22 AWG and a maximum of 14 AWG. The wire should be shieldedtwisted pair, rated for 5A maximum. Power wiring should be a minimum of 22 AWG and a maximum of 14AWG. The wire should be rated for 1A minimum.• Use only 75°C copper wire.• 120 Vac for the RMP II, RIM II, or SCM II should be provided from the critical bus by facility planners or thecustomer.Install wiring the optional accessories in accordance with the following paragraphs:• Hot Sync CAN Bridge card (see paragraph5.1 Installing an Optional Powerware Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card)• Parallel system wiring (see paragraph 5.3 Installing an Optional Remote Monitor Panel II)• RMP II (see paragraph 5.3 Installing an Optional Remote Monitor Panel II)• RIM II (see paragraph 5.4 Installing an Optional Relay Interface Module II)• SCM II (see paragraph 5.5 Installing an Optional Supervisory Contact Module II)55..11 IInnssttaalllliinngg aann OOppttiioonnaall PPoowweerrwwaarree HHoott SSyynncc CCAANN BBrriiddggee CCaarrddAs an option, a Powerware Hot Sync Controller Area Network (CAN) Bridge Card, shown in Figure 41, can beinstalled to provide connectivity for operational mode control of a parallel system. In addition, this card can beused to connect optional system monitoring devices, such as a Remote Monitor Panel II, a Relay InterfaceModule II, or a Supervisory Contact Module II to the UPS.