Eaton Power Xpert 9395C UPS Installation and Operation Manual 164000821—Rev 06 141are attached, and transmits that data every 15 minutes (or 96 times per day), enabling real-time monitoring andadvanced virtual preventive maintenance.88..33 PPoowweerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSooffttwwaarreeEaton’s Intelligent Power® software solution, based on Web 2.0 technology, includes two applications:Intelligent Power® Manager for UPS management and monitoring, and Intelligent Power® Protector, whichallows graceful shutdown of operating systems.Eaton’s Intelligent Power Software gives you all the tools you need to monitor and manage power devices onyour network, even in a virtualized environment. This innovative software solution combines the most criticalapplications in ensuring system uptime and data integrity: not only power monitoring and management, butalso graceful shutdown during an extended power outage.Because it can manage redundant power systems, it is an ideal solution for the most critical IT environmentswith stringent requirements for power availability and reliability. Yet it is easy to use – the software scalesflexibly from a simple single-computer, single-UPS configuration, to the most sophisticated high availabilityenvironments.”The software’s mass configuration capabilities make installation and maintenance easy, which minimizes theeffort required and benefits the bottom line. Eaton’s cost effective Intelligent Power Software manages up toten devices at no charge, with licences for up to 100 devices – or even an unlimited number – also available.Contact your Eaton Sales representative for additional information.88..44 BBuuiillddiinngg AAllaarrmm MMoonniittoorriinnggThis standard feature lets you connect the UPS to your building alarms, such as smoke detectors or over-temperature alarms. The customer interface terminals for external connections are located inside the UPS. Youshould use twisted-pair wires for each alarm input and common.The building alarms can be programmed to display the alarm functional name.88..55 GGeenneerraall PPuurrppoossee RReellaayy CCoonnttaaccttOne general purpose relay contact is provided as a standard feature on the UPS. The alarm contact is locatedinside the UPS on the customer interface terminal board. You can use a normally-closed or normally-opencontact. If the state of the contact changes from the state you specify as normal, a signal is issued.You can connect this contact to equipment at your facility (such as a light or an alarm bell) to let you know whenan alarm is active on the UPS. This feature is useful if the UPS is located in a remote area where the UPS hornmay not be heard immediately.Contacts should not be operated in excess of 30 Vac @ 5A maximum.Ne pas faire fonctionner les contacts à plus de 30 VCA à 5 A maximum.Communication