1-22Network diagramFigure 1-5 Network diagram for the HTTP testConfiguration procedurez Configure HTTP Server:Use Windows 2003 Server as the HTTP server. For HTTP server configuration, refer to the relatedinstruction on Windows 2003 Server configuration.z Configure HWPing Client (Switch A):# Enable the HWPing client. system-view[Sysname] hwping-agent enable# Create a HWPing test group, setting the administrator name to administrator and test tag to HTTP.[Sysname] Hwping administrator http# Configure the test type as http.[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] test-type http# Configure the IP address of the HTTP server as[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] destination-ip Configure to make 10 probes per test.[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] count 10# Set the probe timeout time to 30 seconds.[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] timeout 30# Start the test.[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] test-enable# Display test results[Sysname-hwping-administrator-http] display hwping results administrator httpHWPing entry(admin administrator, tag http) test result:Destination ip address: operation times: 10 Receive response times: 10Min/Max/Average Round Trip Time: 47/87/74Square-Sum of Round Trip Time: 57044Last succeeded test time: 2000-4-2 20:41:50.4Extend result:SD Maximal delay: 0 DS Maximal delay: 0Packet lost in test: 0%Disconnect operation number: 0 Operation timeout number: 0System busy operation number: 0 Connection fail number: 0