1-20To do... Use the command... RemarksSpecify a source IPaddress for the SSH client ssh2 source-ip ip-addressOptionalBy default, the system determines asource IP address.Specify a source interfacefor the SSH clientssh2 source-interfaceinterface-typeinterface-numberOptionalBy default, the system determines asource interface.Establishing the connection between the SSH client and serverThe client’s method of establishing an SSH connection to the SSH server varies with authenticationtypes.Table 1-18 Follow these steps to establish an SSH connection:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Start the client toestablish a connectionwith an SSH serverssh2 { host-ip | host-name }[ port-num ] [ identity-key{ dsa | rsa } | prefer_kex{ dh_group1 |dh_exchange_group } |prefer_ctos_cipher { des |aes128 } | prefer_stoc_cipher{ des | aes128 } |prefer_ctos_hmac { sha1 |sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } |prefer_stoc_hmac { sha1 |sha1_96 | md5 | md5_96 } ] *RequiredIn this command, you can also specifythe preferred key exchange algorithm,encryption algorithms and HMACalgorithms between the server andclient.HMAC: Hash-based messageauthentication codeNote that:The identity-key keyword isunnecessary in passwordauthentication and optional in publickey authentication.When logging into the SSH server using public key authentication, an SSH client needs to read its localprivate key for authentication. As two algorithms (RSA or DSA) are available, the identity-key keywordmust be used to specify one algorithm in order to get the correct private key.