1-11 GVRP ConfigurationWhen configuring GVRP, go to these sections for information you are interested in:z Introduction to GVRPz GVRP Configurationz Displaying and Maintaining GVRPz GVRP Configuration ExampleIntroduction to GVRPGARP VLAN registration protocol (GVRP) is an implementation of generic attribute registration protocol(GARP). GARP is introduced as follows.GARPThe generic attribute registration protocol (GARP), provides a mechanism that allows participants in aGARP application to distribute, propagate, and register with other participants in a bridged LAN theattributes specific to the GARP application, such as the VLAN or multicast attribute.GARP itself does not exist on a device as an entity. GARP-compliant application entities are calledGARP applications. One example is GVRP. When a GARP application entity is present on a port onyour device, this port is regarded a GARP application entity.GARP messages and timers1) GARP messagesGARP members communicate with each other through the messages exchanged between them. Themessages performing important functions for GARP fall into three types: Join, Leave and LeaveAll.z When a GARP entity wants its attribute information to be registered on other devices, it sends Joinmessages to these devices. A GARP entity also sends Join messages when it receives Joinmessages from other entities or it wants some of its statically configured attributes to be registeredon other GARP entities.z When a GARP entity wants some of its attributes to be deregistered on other devices, it sendsLeave messages to these devices. A GARP entity also sends Leave messages when it receivesLeave messages from other entities for deregistering some attributes or it has some attributesstatically deregistered.z Once a GARP entity is launched, the LeaveAll timer is triggered at the same time. The GARP entitysends out LeaveAll messages after the timer times out. LeaveAll messages deregister all theattributes, through which the attribute information of the entity can be registered again on the otherGARP entities.Leave messages, LeaveAll messages, together with Join messages ensure attribute information can bederegistered and re-registered.Through message exchange, all the attribute information to be registered can be propagated to all theGARP-enabled switches in the same LAN.