Operation Manual – Integrated ManagementH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 1 HGMP V1 Configuration1-10You can use the auto config command to configure specified ports with the defaultconfiguration settings, such as port rate, flow control, duplex state, and tag state. Whenexecuting the auto config command, you must provide the port-start-vlanid argumentto specify the starting VLAN ID of the specified port, through which you can add multipleports to one VLAN.You can perform these configurations locally. Refer to the corresponding operationmanual of the switch you are configuring for more information.III. Configuring the address table for a specified switchThese operations are applicable to S2008B/S2016B/S2026B/S3026 series Ethernetswitches.Perform the following configuration in lanswitch view.Table 1-12 Configure the address table for a S2008B/S2016B/S2026B/S3026 seriesswitchOperation CommandAdd an address entryadd addritem mac-addr { unicast port[ aged | noaged | permanent ] | multicastvlanid port-list mctype }Remove a multicast address entry delete multicast mac-addr vlanid vlanidRemove an unicast address entry delete uniaddr mac-addrModify a multicast address entry modify multiaddr mac-addr vlanid port-listmctypeModify an unicast address entry modify uniaddr mac-addr { aged | noaged| permanent }Search specified multicastaddresses in the address tablesearch multiaddr mac-addr-list vlanidvlanid-listSearch specified unicast addressesin the address table search uniaddr mac-addr-listDisplay the unicast address entriesof a specified portquery uniaddr port spec-port indexshownumDisplay the multicast address entriesin a specified VLAN query multiaddr vlanid vlanidQuery the number of the occupiedaddress entries query used addrnumQuery the current configuration ofthe connected switches query active-configurationQuery the startup configuration ofthe connected switches query saved-configuration