Operation Manual – System ManagementH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 4 System Maintenance and Debugging4-28Note:If you want to view the debugging information of some modules on the switch, you mustselect debugging as the information type when configuring information source,meantime using the debugging command to turn on the debugging switch of thosemodules.You can use the following commands to configure log information, debugginginformation and the time-stamp output format of trap information.This configuration will affect the timestamp of the displayed information.Perform the following configuration in system view:Table 4-44 Configure the output format of time-stampOperation CommandConfigure the output format of thetime-stampinfo-center timestamp { log | trap |debugging } { boot | date | none }Output time-stamp is disabled undo info-center timestamp { log |trap | debugging }4) Configuring of SNMP and network management workstation on the switchYou have to configure SNMP on the switch and the remote workstation to ensure thatthe information is correctly sent to SNMP NM. Then you can get correct informationfrom network management workstation. SNMP configuration on switch refers toChapter 5 SNMP Configuration.4.5.9 Displaying and Debugging Info-centerAfter the above configuration, execute the display command in any view to view therunning state of the info-center. You also can authenticate the effect of the configurationby viewing displayed information. Execute the reset command in user view to clearstatistics of info-center.Perform the following configuration in user view. The display command still can beperformed in any view.Table 4-45 Display and debug info-centerOperation CommandDisplay the content of informationchanneldisplay channel [ channel-number |channel-name ]Display configuration of system logand memory buffer display info-center