Operation Manual – QoS/ACLH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 3 Logon User ACL Control Configuration3-7Configurationprocedure Command DescriptionApply theACL in thesnmp-agentcommunitycommandsnmp-agent community{ read | write }community-name[ mib-view view-name ] [ aclacl-number ]The SNMP communityname is a feature ofSNMP V1 and SNMPV2. Applying an ACL inthe snmp-agentcommunity commandfilters the networkmanagement systemsbased on SNMP V1 andSNMP V2.Apply theACL in thesnmp-agentgroupcommandsnmp-agent group { v1 |v2c } group-name[ read-view read-view ][ write-view write-view ][ notify-view notify-view ][ acl acl-number ]snmp-agent group v3group-name[ authentication | privacy ][ read-view read-view ][ write-view write-view ][ notify-view notify-view ][ acl acl-number ]Apply theACL tocontrolSNMPusersImport theACL into thesnmp-agentusm-usercommandsnmp-agent usm-user { v1| v2c } user-namegroup-name [ aclacl-number ]snmp-agent usm-user v3user-name group-name[ authentication-mode{ md5 | sha }auth-password ][ privacy-mode des56priv-password ] [ aclacl-number ]The SNMP group anduser name are featuresof SNMP V2 and later.Applying ACLs in thesnmp-agent group,snmp-agent group v3,snmp-agent usm-user,and snmp-agentusm-user v3commands filters thenetwork managementsystems based onSNMP V2 and later.If you apply ACLs inthese two groups ofcommandssimultaneously, theswitch filters networkmanagement usersaccording to the bothfeatures.Note:z you can apply different ACLs in the snmp-agent community, snmp-agent groupand snmp-agent usm-use commands.z You can only apply number-based basic ACLs to implement ACL control overSNMP users.For the detailed description of these commands, refer to the Command Manual.