Operation Manual – STPH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 1 MSTP Region-configuration1-14z A user manually activates the configured parameters related to the MST region,using the active region-configuration command.z A user enables MSTP using the stp enable command.By default, the MST region name is the switch MAC address, all the VLANs in the MSTregion are mapped to the STI 0, and the MSTP region revision level is 0. You canrestore the default settings of MST region, using the undo stp region-configurationcommand in system view.III. Configuring the mapping relationship between a VLAN list and a SpanningTree InstanceMSTP describes the mapping relationship between VLAN and Spanning Treeinstances through the VLAN mapping table. You can use this command to configure theVLAN mapping table: each VLAN can be allocated to different Spanning Tree instancesaccording to your configuration.You cannot map one VLAN to different instances. When you map a mapped VLAN to adifferent MSTI, the previous mapping relationship will be automatically cancelled.The vlan-mapping modulo modulo command can specify a VLAN to each SpanningTree instance quickly. This command maps a VLAN to the Spanning Tree instancewhose ID is (VLAN ID-1) %modulo+1. (Note: (VLAN ID-1) %modulo is the modulooperation for (VLAN ID-1). If the modulo operation is based on 16, VLAN 1 is mapped toMSTI 1, VLAN 2 is mapped to MSTI 2...VLAN 16 is mapped to MSTI 16, VLAN 17 ismapped to VLAN 17, and so on.)Perform the following configurations in MST region view.Table 1-3 Map all the VLAN lists to the specific Spanning Tree instancesOperation CommandMap all the VLAN lists to the specific Spanning Treeinstances uniformly through the modulo operation.vlan-mapping modulomoduloRestore the default mapping relationship betweenVLAN lists and Spanning Tree instances.undo vlan-mappingmoduloBy default, all the VLAN lists are mapped to CIST, namely, Instance 0.IV. Activating the MST region configuration, and exit the MST region viewPerform the following configuration in MST region view.