Operation Manual – NAT-URPF-VPLSH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 3 VPLS Configuration3-7Item Command DescriptionConfiguring aVPLS instance vsi vsi-name [ static ] RequiredConfiguring an IPaddress of a peerPEpeer peer-ip [ vc-id vc-id ] [ upe ][ { backup-peer | primary-peer }alternatepeer-ip ] [ trans-mode{ raw | tagged } ]RequiredConfiguring staticMAC addressesmac-address { static H-H-H } vsivsi-name { peer peer-ip |vlan-interfacevlan-interface-number }OptionalConfiguringVLAN for useraccess andbinding VSIl2 binding vsi vsi-name[ encapsulation { vlan |ethernet } ]RequiredConfiguring VPLScharacteristics bandwidth vpn-speed OptionalEnabling VLANVPN on port vlan-vpn enable OptionalConfiguringuser-defined flowtemplateflow-template user-defined slotslotnum template-info RequiredConfiguring ACLrulesrule rule-id permit mplsl2label-range ingress any egressanyRequiredConfiguringpacket redirectiontraffic-redirect inboundlink-group { acl-number |acl-name } [ rule rule[ system-index index ] ] | slotslotid vlanid [ join-vlan ] }Required3.5.1 Configuring Routing ProtocolsYou must perform some basic routing configuration on your switch such that it canexchange routing information with other P and PE devices. Currently, you can choosethe following routing protocols: static routing, routing information protocol (RIP), openshortest path first (OSPF), exterior border gateway protocol (EBGP), and so on. Forspecific configuration, refer to S9500 Series Routing Switches Operation Manual –Routing Protocol.3.5.2 Configuring Basic MPLS FunctionsConfigure basic MPLS functions to create LSP tunnels over public network. For specificconfiguration, refer to S9500 Series Routing Switches Operation Manual – MPLS.