Operation Manual – VLAN-QinQH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 4 Isolate-user-VLAN Configuration4-3Note:z An isolate-user-VLAN can correspond to up to 64 S econdary VLANs .z You can configure up to 32 isolate-user-VLANs for a system.z You can configure up to 1,024 Secondary VLANs for a system.z You cannot configure the same MAC address in a S econdary VLAN correspondingto an isolate-user-VLAN.z If a VLAN is an isolate-user-VLAN or a Secondary VLAN, you cannot configurevlan-interface; a VLAN configured with vlan-interface cannot be configured as anisolate-user-VLAN or a Secondary VLAN.4.2.3 Mapping an isolate-user-vlan to Secondary VLANsTable 4-4 Map an isolate-user-VLAN to secondary VLANsOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Map anisolate-user-VLANto secondary VLANsisolate-user-vlan isolate-user-vlan-numsecondary secondary-vlan-numlist [ tosecondary-vlan-numlist ]RequiredI. Note the following when mapping an isolate-user-vlan to Secondary VLANs1) If the isolate-user-VLAN contains portsz For hybrid ports, if the default port VLAN ID is the same as the isolate-user-VLANID, and the port joins the isolate-user-VLAN in the Untagged mode, all the hybridports meeting the requirements will join the Secondary VLAN in the Untaggedmode simultaneously. For those not meeting the requirements, no otherprocessing will be made.z For an access port, the system will set the port as a hybrid port and set the defaultport VLAN ID and isolate-user-VLAN ID to be the same. Moreover, the port joinsthe isolate-user-VLAN and Secondary VLAN in the Untagged mode.2) If the Secondary VLAN contains portsz For a hybrid port, if the default port VLAN ID is the same as the Secondary VLANID, and the port joins the Secondary VLAN in the Untagged mode, all the hybridports meeting the requirements will join the isolate-user-VLAN in the Untaggedmode simultaneously. For those not meeting the requirements, no otherprocessing will be made.z For an access port, the system will set the port as a hybrid port and set the defaultport VLAN ID and Secondary VLAN ID to be the same. Moreover, the port joins theisolate-user-VLAN and Secondary VLAN in the Untagged mode.