Operation Manual – QoS/ACLH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 2 QoS Configuration2-26[H3C] mirroring-group 1 inbound gigabitethernet3/1/1 gigabitethernet3/1/2mirrored-to gigabitethernet3/1/8[H3C] mirroring-group 2 outbound gigabitethernet3/1/1 gigabitethernet3/1/2mirrored-to gigabitethernet3/1/82.3.3 Traffic Priority Configuration ExampleI. Network requirementsRe-allocate service parameters according to the mapping table for DSCP 63 for thepackets from PC1 (IP during the time range 8:00 to 18:00 everyday.II. Network diagramGE7/1/8GE7/1/1 GE7/1/2VLAN2,, PC2GE7/1/8GE7/1/1 GE7/1/2VLAN2,, PC2Figure 2-7 Network diagram for priority configurationIII. Configuration procedure1) Define the time range.# Define the time range from 8:00 to 18:00.[H3C] time-range H3C 8:00 to 18:00 daily2) Define the traffic from PC1.# Create a number-based basic ACL 2000 and enter it.[H3C] acl number 2000# Define ACL rule for the traffic from PC1.[H3C-acl-basic-2000] rule 0 permit source 0 time-range H3C3) Define the CoS—> Conform-Level mapping table.# Define the CoS — > Conform-Level mapping table. The switch allocates dropprecedence (all as 0 for the sake of simplification) for them when receiving packets.[H3C] qos cos-drop-precedence-map 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0The modified CoS—> Conform-Level mapping table: