Operation Manual – PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Chapter 5 RPR Port Configuration5-3Configuration steps Command DescriptionMap tag, mpls and ippriority types to RPRpriorityrpr cos-precedence-map{ tag | mpls | ip } valuevalue0 value1 value2value3 value4 value5value6 value7Optional. By default, forpackets with a tag, themapping will beimplemented as per tag; forpackets without a tag, ifthey are MPLS packets,the mapping will beimplemented as per MPLSpriority; if they are IPpackets instead of MPLSpackets, the mapping willbe implemented as per IPpriority; if they are eitherMPLS packets or IPpacket, the priority will bemapped to Class C.Configure nodeprotection moderpr protect-mode { steer |wrap }Optional. By default, theprotection mode is Steermode.Configure reservedbandwidthrpr rate-limit { high | low |medium | reserved }{ ringlet0 | ringlet1 } valueOptional..Set protectionrecovery moderpr reversion-mode{ revertive | non-revertive}Optional. The default RPRprotection recovery modeis revertive.Set static ringinformationrpr static-rs{ mac-address} { ringlet0 |ringlet1 }Optional. By default, thestatic ring information is notconfigured. You cannotconfigure the same bridgeMAC address for the twonodes on a ring. Ringlet0and Ringlet1 are bothsending sub-ringsConfigure node weight rpr weight { ringlet0 |ringlet1 } valueOptional. By default,weight is 0.Set the values of thetimers for sending ATDframes periodicallyrpr timer { atd value | fddvalue | holdoff value |stability value | tp-fastvalue| tp-slow value|tc-fast value| tc-slowvalue| wtr value}Optional. By default, it is 1second.Set physical port type port-type { 10gpos | 10ge }Optional. When the settingchanges, the board willrestart automatically, andthen switch to the new RPRport type. Note that thefollowing commands are tobe carried out in the RPRPOS physical port view