Power problemsSymptom FRU/actionThe blade server does not turnon. 1. Verify that:a. The power LED on the front of the BladeCenter unit is lit.b. The LEDs on all the BladeCenter power modules are lit.c. On a BladeCenter Type 8677 or similar unit, if the blade server is in bladebays 7 through 14, power modules are in power-module bays 1, 2, 3, and4.d. On a BladeCenter T unit, if the blade server is in blade bays 6 through 8,power modules are in power-module bays 1, 2, 3, and 4.e. The power-on LED on the blade server control panel is flashing slowly.v If the power LED is flashing rapidly and continues to do so, the bladeserver is not communicating with the management module; reseat theblade server and go to step 3.v If the power LED is off, either the blade bay is not receiving power, theblade server is defective, or the LED information panel is loose ordefective.f. Local power control for the blade server is enabled (use the BladeCentermanagement-module Web interface to verify), or the blade server wasinstructed through the management module (Web interface or IBM Director)to turn on.2. If you just installed an option in the blade server, remove it, and restart theblade server. If the blade server now turns on, troubleshoot the option (see thedocumentation that comes with the option for information).3. Try another blade server in the blade bay; if it works, replace the faulty bladeserver.4. See “Undetermined problems” on page 156.The blade server turns off for noapparent reason v Verify that all blade bays have a blade server, expansion unit, or filler bladecorrectly installed. If these components are missing or incorrectly installed, anover-temperature condition may result in shutdown.Service processor problemsSymptom FRU/actionService processor reports ageneral monitor failure. v Shut down the operating system and turn off the blade server; then, remove theblade server from the BladeCenter unit, wait for 30 seconds, reinstall the bladeserver in the BladeCenter unit, and restart the blade server. If the problemremains, see “Undetermined problems” on page 156 and the HardwareMaintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide for your BladeCenter unit.Chapter 10. Symptom-to-FRU index 151