Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: 08/13/2003 09:38:44Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: Automatic Error Log Analysis has detecteda problem.Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: The ServiceRequest Number(s)/Probable Cause(s)Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: (causes are listed in descending order ofprobability):Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela:Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: 651-880: The CEC or SPCN reported an error.Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codesto your service provider.Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: Location: n/a FRU: n/a Ref-Code: B1004699Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela:Aug 13 09:38:45 larry diagela: Analysis of Error log sequence number: 3Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: 08/29/2003 07:13:04Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: Automatic Error Log Analysis has detecteda problem.Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela:Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: The Service Request Number(s)/Probable Cause(s)Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: (causes are listed in descending order ofprobability):Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela:Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: 651-880: The CEC or SPCN reported an error.Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codesto your service provider.Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: Location: U0.1-F4 FRU: 09P5866 Ref-Code:10117661Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela:Aug 29 07:13:04 larry diagela: Analysis of /var/log/platform sequencenumber: 24Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: 09/04/2003 06:00:55Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Automatic Error Log Analysis reports thefollowing:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: 651204 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOGSep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: A loss of redundancy on input power wasdetected.Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Check for the following:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: 1. Loose or disconnected power sourceconnections.Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: 2. Loss of the power source.Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: 3. For multiple enclosure systems, loose orSep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: disconnected power and/or signal connectionsSep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: between enclosures.Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Supporting data:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Ref. Code: 10111520Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Location Codes: P1 P2 Sep 4 06:00:55 larrydiagela:Sep 4 06:00:55 larry diagela: Analysis of /var/log/platform sequencenumber: 133. Also use the following command to list RTAS messagesrecorded in the Linux Syslog (platform log):cat /var/log/platform |grep RTAS |moreLinux RTAS error messages are logged in the platform fileunder /var/log. The following illustration shows an example ofthe Linux Syslog (platform error log) RTAS messages.42 BladeCenter JS20 Type 8842: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide