806f040c-18810001 [PhysicalMemoryElementName] Disabled on Subsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: DIMM 1 in memory expansion module(MEU) has been Disabled.May also be shown as 806f040c18810001 or 0x806f040c18810001Severity: InfoAlert Category: SystemServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0131SNMP Trap ID:Automatically notify Support: NoUser response:1. Make sure the DIMM is installed correctly.2. If the DIMM was disabled because of a memory fault, follow the suggested actions for that error event and restartthe server.3. If no memory fault is recorded in the logs and no DIMM connector error LED is lit, you can re-enable the DIMMthrough the Setup utility or the Advanced Settings Utility (ASU).806f040c-18810002 [PhysicalMemoryElementName] Disabled on Subsystem [MemoryElementName].Explanation: DIMM 2 in memory expansion module(MEU) has been Disabled.May also be shown as 806f040c18810002 or 0x806f040c18810002Severity: InfoAlert Category: SystemServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0131SNMP Trap ID:Automatically notify Support: NoUser response:1. Make sure the DIMM is installed correctly.2. If the DIMM was disabled because of a memory fault, follow the suggested actions for that error event and restartthe server.3. If no memory fault is recorded in the logs and no DIMM connector error LED is lit, you can re-enable the DIMMthrough the Setup utility or the Advanced Settings Utility (ASU).806f040c-18810001 • 806f040c-18810002610 IBM System x3850 X5 and x3950 X5 Types 7145, 7146, 7143, and 7191: Problem Determination and Service Guide