816f0021-0b09ffff Fault condition removed on slot [PhysicalConnectorElementName] on system[ComputerSystemElementName].Explanation: Fault condition in PCIe slot 6 has been removedMay also be shown as 816f00210b09ffff or 0x816f00210b09ffffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: CriticalServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0331SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: No action; information only.816f0021-0b0affff Fault condition removed on slot [PhysicalConnectorElementName] on system[ComputerSystemElementName].Explanation: Fault condition in PCIe slot 7 has been removedMay also be shown as 816f00210b0affff or 0x816f00210b0affffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: CriticalServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0331SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: No action; information only.816f0021-2201ffff Fault condition removed on slot [PhysicalConnectorElementName] on system[ComputerSystemElementName].Explanation: IMM has detected a Fault condition in a slot has been removed.May also be shown as 816f00212201ffff or 0x816f00212201ffffSeverity: InfoAlert Category: CriticalServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0331SNMP Trap ID: 50Automatically notify Support: NoUser response: This is a UEFI detected event. The UEFI diagnostic code for this event can be found in the loggedIMM message text. Please refer to the UEFI diagnostic code in the "UEFI diagnostic code" section of the Info Centerfor the appropriate user response.816f0021-0b09ffff • 816f0021-2201ffffAppendix B. Integrated management module error messages 795