806f050c-08830001 Memory Logging Limit Reached for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem[MemoryElementName].Explanation: DIMM 1 of Mem card 3 memory logging limit has been reached.May also be shown as 806f050c08830001 or 0x806f050c08830001Severity: WarningAlert Category: WarningServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0144SNMP Trap ID: 43Automatically notify Support: NoUser response:1. Refer to TIP H212293 for minimum code level.2. Check the IBM support site for an applicable retain tip or firmware update that applies to this memory error.3. At the next maintenance opportunity, swap affected DIMM (as indicated by the Light path diagnostics) to adifferent memory channel or CPU (check this document and the Installation and User's Guide for populationrequirements for sparing/paring modes).4. If PFA re-occurs (on the same DIMM) replace the affected DIMM as indicated by the Light path diagnostics.5. If problem stays with the same DIMM connector, inspect DIMM connector for foreign material. If damaged,replace the Memory card.6. Replace the CPU board.806f050c-08830002 Memory Logging Limit Reached for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem[MemoryElementName].Explanation: DIMM 2 of Mem card 3 memory logging limit has been reached.May also be shown as 806f050c08830002 or 0x806f050c08830002Severity: WarningAlert Category: WarningServiceable: NoCIM Information: Prefix: PLAT and ID: 0144SNMP Trap ID: 43Automatically notify Support: NoUser response:1. Refer to TIP H212293 for minimum code level.2. Check the IBM support site for an applicable retain tip or firmware update that applies to this memory error.3. At the next maintenance opportunity, swap affected DIMM (as indicated by the Light path diagnostics) to adifferent memory channel or CPU (check this document and the Installation and User's Guide for populationrequirements for sparing/paring modes).4. If PFA re-occurs (on the same DIMM) replace the affected DIMM as indicated by the Light path diagnostics.5. If problem stays with the same DIMM connector, inspect DIMM connector for foreign material. If damaged,replace the Memory card.6. Replace the CPU board.806f050c-08830001 • 806f050c-08830002636 IBM System x3850 X5 and x3950 X5 Types 7145, 7146, 7143, and 7191: Problem Determination and Service Guide