Before you complete this procedure, install the management card, as described in Installing themanagement card.PowerVM is one of the Capacity on Demand advanced functions. Capacity on Demand advancedfunctions are also referred to as Virtualization Engine systems technologies or Virtualization Enginetechnologies (VET).To locate your VET code and then install the code on your blade server, complete the following steps:1. Power on the blade server. If a Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) partition is installed, power on only theVIOS partition. If VIOS is not installed, power on one of the partitions.2. List the activation information that you must supply when the new VET activation code is orderedthrough one of the following methods:v By using Hardware Management Console (HMC):a. In the navigation area, expand Systems Management.b. Select Servers.c. In the contents area, select the destination blade server.d. Click Tasks > Capacity on Demand (CoD) > PowerVM > View Code Information.The following is an example of the PowerVM output:Note: When you request the activation code, you must supply the information that isemphasized in the following example.CoD VET InformationSystem type: 7895System serial number: 12-34567Anchor card CCIN: 52EFAnchor card serial number: 01-231S000Anchor card unique identifier: 30250812077C3228Resource ID: CA1FActivated Resources: 0000Sequence number: 0040Entry check: ECGo to step 3.v By using Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM):a. Start the IVM, if it is not running already.b. In an IVM session, enter the lsvet -t code command.The following is an example of the lsvet command output:Note: When you request the activation code, you must supply the information that isemphasized in the following example.sys_type=7895,sys_serial_num=12-34567,anchor_card_ccin=52EF,anchor_card_serial_num=01-231S000, anchor_card_unique_id=30250812077C3228,resource_id=CA1F,activated_resources=0000,sequence_num=0040, entry_check=ECGo to step 3.v By using IBM Systems Director Management Console (SDMC):a. On the Welcome page, click Resources.b. Expand Hosts, and select the destination host.c. Click Actions, and select System Configuration > Capacity on Demand (CoD).d. In the Capacity on Demand window, select Advanced Functions from the Select On DemandType list, and then select PowerVM.e. Click View Code Information.The following is an example of the PowerVM output:258 Power Systems: Problem Determination and Service Guide for the IBM Power PS700 (8406-70Y)