144 Configuring Enterprise Edge ServicesEnterprise Edge 2.0 Programming Operations Guide P0911588 Issue 01TipsIt is only necessary to program start and stop times for schedules that areactivated automatically. See the instructions with Ringing service forinformation on activating schedules.The time may be entered in either 12 or 24-hour format. If the display is inEnglish, and the hour entered is less than thirteen, the display prompts you tospecify AM or PM.If you assign identical start and stop times for a schedule, for example, 04:00start and 04:00 stop, the schedule is in effect all day. The only exception to thisis a start and stop time of 00:00; in this case the schedule is off for the day.You may assign overlapping times. For example, if schedule 1 is assignedfrom 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and schedule 2 is assigned from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm,then the start time of the second schedule is treated as a stop time for the firstschedule.This is also true if two schedules have the same start time but different stoptimes; the stop time of the shorter schedule is treated as the start time of thelonger schedule.If one schedule starts and stops within the times of another schedule, the firstservice temporarily ends when the second service starts. The first service thenresumes when the second service has ended.Some schedules start and stop at the same times each day: use COPY to copythe start and stop times from one day to the next.Start and stop times do not span days.When you program a schedule to start in the evening and stop in the morning,it does not carry over into the next day. For example, if you program Nightservice for Friday (22:00 to 6:00), the system turns on Night service frommidnight to 6 am on Friday, and then again from 10 pm to midnight on Friday.