Appendix B: ISDN Overview 387P0911588 Issue 01 Enterprise Edge 2.0 Programming Operations GuideThe ISDN terminal equipment (TE) on the loop is also programmed with its ISDNDN. See the instructions that come with the ISDN device for information about howto program it to recognize its assigned DN. Most devices will require both aterminal service profile identifier (terminal SPID) and a DN, and some will requiretwo terminal SPIDs and two ISDN DNs. The SPID used with the device should notbe confused with a SPID used for network connections using a T loop.To create a terminal SPID for a device, add at least two zeros to the end of the ofthe ISDN DN. Add more zeros to the beginning or end of the ISDN DN until youhave the length of SPID required by the TE. For example, if an ISDN telephonerequires a six-digit SPID and has a DN of 667, its SPID is 066700. If the same TErequires a minimum of ten digits, the SPID is 0000066700.Most ISDN terminals require a five-digit SPID. An ISDN PC card usually requiresa ten-digit SPID. Follow the directions that come with the ISDN device to programit with a SPID and ISDN DN.D-packet service (BRI only)The D-packet service supplied by the Enterprise Edge system supports a point-of-sale terminal adapter (POSTA). Connecting a POSTA allows transaction terminals(devices where you “swipe” credit or debit cards) to transmit information using theD channel of the BRI line, while the B channels of the BRI line remain available forvoice and data calls. A special adapter links transaction equipment (such as cashregisters, credit card verification rigs, and point-of-sale terminals) to the X.25network, a data communications network designed to transmit information in theform of small data packets.To support the D-packet service, your ISDN network and financial institution mustbe equipped with a D-packet handler. To convert the protocol used by thetransaction equipment to the X.25 protocol, your ISDN network must also beequipped with an integrated X.25 PAD which works with the following versions ofX.25: Datapac 32011, CCITT, T3POS, ITT and API. The ISDN service packageyou order must include D-packet service (for example, Package P in the UnitedStates; Microlink™ with D-channel in Canada).Your service provider supplies a Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) and DN tosupport D-packet service. The TEI is a number between 00 and 63 (in Canada, thedefault range is 21-63). Your service provider may also supply you with a DN toprogram your D-packet device. The DN for D-packet service becomes part of thedialing string used by the D-packet to call the packet handler.