Installing the printer 37Bitmap bufferThis buffer defines a percentage of the total RAM memory that can be used asthe bitmap partition. This value will be set between two values, depending onthe RAM configuration.The installed RAM can be divided into the following sections: bitmap partition processing area for filesThe size of the bitmap partition determines the maximum length of the imageto be printed on a given paper roll (or manual sheet).The size of the buffer setting must be adjusted according to the type of roll youuse and the print length of your file (or original).There is no need to use a larger bitmap buffer than required. In fact, this mayresult in a loss of space for the processing area.The minimum percentage always represents an E+ size. If you never print orcopy files and/or originals that exceed the E+ length (48”), you must set theminimum Bitmap buffer percentage.If you print or copy files and/or originals that exceed this length, you must setthe correct Bitmap buffer size.Use the following formula to determine the percentage setting: (Paper width *print length * conversion factor) / controller memory configuration.Conversion factor = 1.08 (width and length in inches)1.67 E-3 (width and length in mm).Example: you print 70” on D+ paper and you have 64 MB of memory;BM% = 24 * 70 * 1.08 / 64 = 29%.Example: you print 6 meters on an A0 paper and you have 128 MB of memoryBM% = 841 * 6000 * 1.67E-3 / 128 = 66%. Setting the bitmap buffer1 Press ‘Program’ to enter the main menu.2 Select the ‘CONFIGURATION’ item using t heor button.3 Press ‘next/select’ to enter the ‘CONFIGURATION ’ menu.4 Select the ‘ BUFFERS ’ item using the or button.