131Manipulating Clips with Thumbnails : PropertiesManipulating Clips with ThumbnailsFrom the thumbnail menu, select PROPERTY > CARD STATUS. The following screen appears.When “REMAIN” is selected:1. Write-protect MarkThe mark appears if the P2 card is write-protected.2. P2 Card Status (remaining free space)The remaining memory capacity of the P2 card isindicated by a bar graph and percentage. The bargraph indicator moves to the left as the remaining freespace decreases.The following indications may appear, depending onthe card status:FORMAT ERROR:An unformatted P2 card is inserted.NOT SUPPORTED:An unsupported card is inserted in the camera.NO CARD:P2 cards are not inserted.Use the cursor button to place the cursor on the P2card for data you want to access and press the SETbutton to display detailed information about the P2card to check individual information such as the serialnumber and the user ID.3. P2 Card Remaining Capacity/Total CapacityDisplays the P2 card remaining capacity and totalcapacity in minutes. The total of the remainingmemory capacity for each P2 card that is displayedmay not match the actual total remaining memorycapacity for the P2 cards because only the figure inminute is displayed.4. Total remaining free space for the slotDisplays the total remaining free space for all 5 slots.Please note that the remaining capacity of a write-protected P2 card is not included in the total remainingcapacity.5. Warning symbolWhen the following P2 card is detected, the symbol isdisplayed.RUN DOWN CARD:The volume of data on the card exceeds the limitdefined in the standards.DIR ENTRY NG CARD:The directory structure on the P2 card does not com-ply with the standards.The warning can be confirmed on the P2 card detailedinformation indication in [ 2.P2 Card Status (remainingfree space) ].When “USED” is selected:1. Write-protect MarkThe mark appears if the P2 card is write-protected.2. P2 Card Status (used memory capacity)The used memory capacity of the P2 card is indicatedby a bar graph and a percentage figure. The bar graphindicator moves to the right as the used memorycapacity increases.The following indications may appear, depending onthe card status:FORMAT ERROR:An unformatted P2 card is inserted.NOT SUPPORTED:An unsupported card is inserted in the camera.NO CARD:P2 cards are not inserted.Use the cursor button to place the cursor on the P2card for data you want to access and press the SETbutton to display detailed information about the P2card to check individual information such as the serialnumber and the user ID.3. P2 Card memory capacity/Total CapacityDisplays the used memory capacity on a P2 card andthe total capacity, in minutes. Because fractions aretruncated, the figure shown for used memory capacityon a P2 card may differ from the figure for totalcapacity.The used memory capacity of a write-protected P2card is displayed as 100%.4. Total used memory capacity for all slotsDisplays the total used memory capacity for all 5 slots.5. Warning symbolWhen the following P2 card is detected, the symbol isdisplayed.RUN DOWN CARD:The volume of data on the card exceeds the limitdefined in the standards.DIR ENTRY NG CARD:The directory structure on the P2 card does not com-ply with the standards.The warning can be confirmed on the P2 card detailedinformation indication in [ 2.P2 Card Status (remainingfree space) ].Contents of P2 Card Status Display Settings1 24351 2435