25Parts and their Functions Warning and Status Display FunctionsParts and their Functions1. Back tally lampWhen the 2.BACK TALLY switch is set to [ON], thelamp behaves in the same way as the front tally lampat the viewfinder.2. BACK TALLY switchThis switch controls the action of the 1.back and 8.reartally lamps.ON: Back and rear tally lamps enabled.OFF: Back and rear tally lamps disabled.3. WARNING lampThis lamp starts blinking or lights up if somethingunusual occurs in the memory.4. USB lampStays on when the camera-recorder is in USB mode.5. Access lampBlinks when the camera-recorder is in recording orplayback mode or when a P2 card is being accessed,or stays on when a recordable P2 card is inserted.6. LIGHT buttonUse this button to control illumination of the displaywindow.Alternately pressing this button toggles illumination ofthe 7.display window on or off.7. Display windowThis window displays warnings, battery-remaininglevel, sound volume, time data, and other information.NoteWhen the battery is installed, the camera-recorderindicates the data even if the power is turned off. Toturn off the data indications to keep the battery frombeing discharged, specify OFF for the menu option P.OFF LCD DISPLAY found in the TC/UB screen on theMAIN OPERATION page.8. Rear tally lampWhen the 2.BACK TALLY switch is set on [ON], therear tally lamp behaves in the same way as the backtally lamp.Warning and Status Display Functions12634587