175Menu : Menu Description TablesMenuThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates thepreset mode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksREC STATUS ONOFFSelect whether or not to enable “REC”indication in the viewfinder and on theLCD monitor during recording.ON: REC indication enabled.OFF: REC indication not enabled.NoteThis option is useful when camera-recorder is used independently. Whenthe 1394 CONTROL menu option on the1394 SETTING screen is set to BOTH,then the setting of the REC TALLY menuoption for SYSTEM MODE is used.– C U F RPROXY REC ONOFFWhen a video encoder card (AJ-YAX800G, optional) is attached, proxyrecording information is displayed whenrecording starts.ON: Display indicating whether proxyrecording is to be performed on theP2 card only, or on both the P2 cardand the SD memory card.OFF: Proxy recording information is notdisplayed.– C U F RMODE CHECK INDItems/DataSavedAdjustableRange RemarksSTATUS ONOFFFor the setting to display the statusscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F R!LED ONOFFFor the setting to indicate causes forturning on the lamp on the viewfinderis displayed when the MODE CHECKbutton is pressed.The causes for turning on the lampare displayed with .– C U F RFUNCTION ONOFFFor the setting to display the FUNCTIONscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F RAUDIO ONOFFFor the setting to display the AUDIOscreen when the MODE CHECK buttonis pressed.– C U F RCAC ONOFFThe setting to display the CAC screenwhen the MODE CHECK button ispressed.– C U F RP.ON IND ONOFFFor the setting to display the statusscreen immediately after turning on thepower of the unit.NoteEven if it is set to “ON” in this item, thestatus screen is not displayedimmediately after turning on the power ofthe unit when the STATUS item is set toOFF.– C U F R!!LEDItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksGAIN(0dB) ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the GAIN is set to avalue other than 0 dB.– C U F RGAIN (–3dB) ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the GAIN is set to avalue other than –3dB.– C U F RDS.GAIN ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the DS. GAIN(cumulative gain) is activated.– C U F RSHUTTER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the electronicshutter is activated.– C U F RWHITEPRESETONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the WHITE BALswitch is set to the PRST position.– C U F REXTENDER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the lens extender isactivated.– C U F RB.GAMMA ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the BLACK GAMMAis activated.– C U F RMATRIX ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the color correctiontable for the linear matrix is selected.– C U F RCOLORCORRECTIONONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the 12-axisindependent color correction is selected.– C U F RFILTER ONOFFFor the setting to turn the lamp on theviewfinder on when the filtercombination is anyone other than 3200Kand CLEAR.– C U F R