160 Menu : Menu Description TablesThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates thepreset mode.OPTION MODEItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksREC TALLY REDGREENCHARSelect the method for displaying therecording status of camera-recorderwhen controlling an external VTR bysetting 1394 CONTROL items to BOTH.Select the 1394 CONTROL item on the<1394 SETTING> screen in the SYSTEMSETTING page.RED: The red tally lamp lights up.GREEN :The green tally lamp lights up.CHAR : The VF displays [REC] incharacters.– C U F –ACCESS LED OFFSLOT SIDELCD SIDEBOTHSpecify whether or not to enable the P2card access LEDs.OFF: Disables both LEDs above theslots and on the side panel.SLOT SIDE:Enables the LED above the slotsand disables the LED on the sidepanel.LCD SIDE:Enables the LED on the side paneland disables the LED above theslots.BOTH: Enables both LEDs above theslots and on the side panel.– C U F –P.OFF GPSDATAHOLDCLEARSelect whether or not to hold the UMIDGPS position information while thepower is turned off, thereby keeping thisinformation as status data holding theprevious value until the power is turnedon again, which enables a newmeasurement to start.HOLD: Hold and save the data.CLEAR: Clear the data when the poweris turned off, and save zero (No-Info) from the next power-onuntil a new measurement iscompleted.– C U F –SDIMETADATAONOFFUsed to specify whether or not to outputmetadata (UMID) to SDI when theVIDEO OUT menu option is set to HDSDI or SD HDI.– C U F –SDI EDH ONOFFSelect whether or not to add an errordetection flag to the SD SDI output.– C U F –SAVE SW(AUD OUT)ONOFFSelect whether or not to forcibly disablethe audio output when the SAVE ON/OFF switch is set to [ON].ON: Disable audio output.OFF: Enable audio output.– C U F –SAVE SW(LCD)ONOFFSelect whether or not to automaticallyturn off the LCD monitor when the SAVEON/OFF switch is set to [ON].ON: Turn off LCD monitor.OFF: Do not turn off LCD monitor.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksAUTO REC OFFTYPE1TYPE2Select the method for detecting RECSTART/STOP marks from the frame rateinformation in the user bits addedthrough HD SD IN in HD mode in orderto automatically start or stop recording.OFF: No automatic recording isperformed.TYPE1: REC START/STOP marks aredetected from LTC inputthrough HD SDI for automaticrecording.TYPE2: REC START/STOP marks aredetected from VITC inputthrough HD SDI for automaticrecording.NoteSet the menu option REC SIGNAL toSDI to input HD SDI signals to the SDIIN connector. For information about userbits frame rate information, see [Settingof the user bits] (page 57).In INTERVAL REC mode and the LOOPREC mode, the AUTO REC function isnot available.– C U F –