164 Menu : Menu Description TablesThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates thepreset mode.PAINTRB GAIN CONTROLItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksR GAIN AWBPRE–200+000+200For setting the Rch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the PRSTposition.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RB GAIN AWBPRE–200+000+200For setting the Bch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the PRSTposition.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RR GAIN AWB A –200+000+200For setting the Rch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the A position.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RB GAIN AWB A –200+000+200For setting the Bch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the A position.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RR GAIN AWB B –200+000+200For setting the Rch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the B position.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RB GAIN AWB B –200+000+200For setting the Bch gain when theWHITE BAL switch is in the B position.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RAWB A GAINOFFSETONOFFFor setting the values of the Rch gainand the Bch gain when the auto whitebalance is executed as the WHITE BALswitch is in the A position.ON: To retain the values set in theitems of R GAIN AWB A and BGAIN AWB AOFF: The values of the Rch gain andthe Bch gain is set to “0”.S C U F RAWB B GAINOFFSETONOFFFor setting the values of the Rch gainand the Bch gain when the auto whitebalance is executed as the WHITE BALswitch is in the B position.ON: To retain the values set in theitems of R GAIN AWB B and BGAIN AWB BOFF: The values of the Rch gain andthe Bch gain is set to “0”.S C U F RRGB BLACK CONTROLItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksMASTER PED –200+015+200For setting the level of the masterpedestal.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RR PEDESTAL –100+000+100For setting the pedestal level of the Rch.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RG PEDESTAL –100+000+100For setting the pedestal level of theGch.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RB PEDESTAL –100+000+100For setting the pedestal level of the Bch.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RPEDESTALOFFSETONOFFFor setting the pedestal levels of theRch, the Gch and the Bch when theauto black balance is adjusted.ON: To retain the values set in therespective items of R PEDESTAL,G PEDESTAL, and B PEDESTALOFF: The pedestal levels of the Rch,the Gch and the Bch are set to”0”.S C U F –R FLARE –100+000+100For adjusting the flare level of the Rch.Adjustment values in this item areadded to the flare adjustment value thatis adjusted on screen.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RG FLARE –100+000+100For adjusting the flare level of the Gch.Adjustment values in this item areadded to the flare adjustment value thatis adjusted on screen.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F RB FLARE –100+000+100For adjusting the flare level of the Bch.Adjustment values in this item areadded to the flare adjustment value thatis adjusted on screen.z If the remote control unit isconnected, settings made from themenu are disabled. (The set value isdisplayed.)S C U F R