183Menu : Menu Description TablesMenuz The remaining battery level is indicated in percentagewhen a battery with this function is installed on the unit.The ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates thepreset mode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksPAG L95 ¢•Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.¢:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.AUTOMANUALSelect auto or manual to set the NEAREND voltage.AUTO: Set voltage automatically.MANUAL:Set voltage manually.11.0:13.5:15.0When MANUAL is selected in the menuabove, set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1V steps.– C U F –BP-GL65/95 ¢•Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.¢:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.AUTOMANUALSelect auto or manual to set the NEAREND voltage.AUTO: Set voltage automatically.MANUAL:Set voltage manually.11.0:13.5:15.0When MANUAL is selected in the menuabove, set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1V steps.– C U F –BATTERY SETTING2Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksNiCd14 ¢•Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.¢:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.NEAR END 11.0:13.8:15.0Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.END 11.0:13.4:15.0Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps.– C U F –TYPE A ¢•Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.¢:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.FULL 12.0:15.1:17.0Set the voltage to display the FULLindication in 0.1 V steps.NEAR END 11.0:13.6:15.0Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.END 11.0:12.9:15.0Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps.– C U F –TYPE B ¢•Enable selection under BATTERYSELECT.¢:Enable selection.•: Disable selection.FULL 12.0:15.5:17.0Set the voltage to display the FULLindication in 0.1 V steps.NEAR END 11.0:13.5:15.0Set the NEAR END voltage in 0.1 Vsteps.END 11.0:13.1:15.0Set the END voltage in 0.1 V steps.– C U F –