72 Adjustments and Settings for Recording : Viewfinder Screen Status DisplaysInformation Item Indication Status11. Camera Warning andReport Area(related to AWB, ABBand switch settings)AWB A ACTIVEAWB B ACTIVEAWB A OK ¢.¢KAWB B OK ¢.¢KAWB BREAK ¢.¢KAWB NGCOLOR TEMP LOWCOLOR TEMP HIGHLEVEL OVERLOW LIGHTTIME OVERATW MODEAWB PRESET ¢.¢KCHECK FILTERABB ACTIVEABB OKABB BREAKABB NGB-SHD READYB-SHD ACTIVEB-SHD OKB-SHD BREAKB-SHD NGAWB being performed on Ch A.AWB being performed on Ch B.AWB successful on Ch A.AWB successful on Ch B.AWB action aborted by user.AWB action failed. The second line indicates the status.Color temperature too low.Color temperature too high.Brightness too high.Brightness too low.Action timed-out.This is indicated when AWB cannot be executed since ATW is beingoperated.AWB cannot be performed because the AWB switch is position at PRE orthe super gain is enabled.Make sure the FILTER control is positioned correctly.ABB being performed.ABB action successful.ABB action aborted by user.ABB action failed.Black shading accepted (by holding down the ABB switch during ABBadjustment).Black shading being adjusted.Black shading adjustment successful.Black shading adjustment aborted by user.Black shading adjustment failed.(Switch changeoverindication)WHITE: # ¢.¢KAUTO KNEE: ON/OFFDRS: ON/OFFGAIN:¢¢dBSS: 1/¢¢¢¢ or ¢¢¢.¢degSS: 1 1/¢¢¢¢ or 1¢¢¢.0dCC: ¢¢¢¢ ¢¢KND: ¢EXTENDER: ON/OFFIRIS: ¢¢ F ¢.¢The WHITE BAL switch has been switched. # is replaced with A, B or PRST.When [A] and [B] are set to “VAR”, then it is indicated as VAR ¢.¢ K. When[B] is assigned ATW, then it is indicated as ATW MODE.Displayed when the AUTO KNEE switch is assigned to ON or OFF and theAUTO KNEE switch is turned ON/OFF.Displayed when the AUTO KNEE switch is assigned to DRS and the AUTOKNEE switch is turned ON/OFF.Gain has been switched with the GAIN selector switch or a user button.When the shutter speed has been switched, the shutter speed is indicated.Shutter speed is in SYNCRO SCAN mode.This appears when the CC filter setting has been selected.This appears when the ND filter setting has been selected.Lens extender has been turned on or off.Indicated when the iris override correction value is to be changed.(Low light warning) LOW LIGHT Brightness too low.(Y GET value) ¢¢¢.¢% With the Y GET ON setting, the output brightness level near the centermarker is displayed as “%.”(MARKER indication) MKR: A/B/OFF Current marker type12. User buttonfunctionsUM: USER MAINbuttonU1: USER1 buttonU2: USER2 buttonINHS.GAIN ¢¢dB/OFFDS.GAIN ¢¢:/OFFS.IRIS ON/OFFI.OVR ON/OFFS.BLK –¢¢/OFFB.GAMMA ON/OFFAUDIO CH1AUDIO CH2REC SWY GET ONRET SWSLOT SELPRE RECUSB HOST/DEVICE/OFFDRS ON/OFFASSIST ON/OFFC.TEMPUser buttons disabled.Selected S.GAINSelected DS.GAINWhether S.IRIS is ON or OFF.Iris override can be set (the IRIS OVERRIDE setting is ON).Status of SUPER BLACK (ON or OFF). When it is ON, the set value is alsoindicated.Status of BLACK GAMMA (shade correction for the black level): ON or OFFInput signal to be recorded on Audio Channel 1 has been switched.Input signal to be recorded on Audio Channel 2 has been switched.USER button acts as REC switch.Y GET function ON.USER button acts as RET switch.Switch that changes the target card is set.Indicates that PRE-RECORDING mode has been switched ON or OFF.USB action status has been switched.Indicates whether the dynamic range stretcher function is ON or OFF.Indicates whether the focus assist function is ON or OFF.Indicates the mode for changing the color temperature with the JOG dialbutton is ON or OFF.