:!:Cl)z«::r:uw~3-5-2. REPLACEMENT OF THE LOWERCYLINDER UNIT1. Unscrew the 2 screws and remove the Head Amp.2. Remove the Cleaning rod from bottom side.3. Unscrew 3 screws (A). Since there is very littleclearance between DD Cylinder (Lower Cylinder)Unit and Chassis, remove the Cylinder gently andcarefully (Figure M11).SCREWS (A) CLEANING ROD LOCKFigure M114. Reinstall the new DD Cylinder (Lower Cylinder)Unit in the chassis, tighten the 3 screws (A). Thenconnect a connectors and reinstall the CleaningRod.5. Re-install the Head Amp C.BANote: After reinstall the Upper Cylinder Unit shouldbe perform Mechanical and Electricaladjustment (Refer to 3-4-5. MaintenanceProcedures).3-5-3. REPLACEMENT OF THE AICHEAD (1) UNIT1. Disconnect a connector (Figure M12).2. Unscrew 3 (B)(C)(D) screws with spring and thenremove the AIC Head Unit (Figure M12).LOCK SCREW (C)SCREW (B) ~~~.::>~- SCREWSPRINGHEAD BASE UNITFigure M123. The AIC Head (1) Unit can be reinstalled byreversing the removal procedure.Note: After reinstall the Upper Cylinder Unit shouldbe perform Mechanical and Electricaladjustment (Refer to 3-4-6. MaintenanceProcedures).3-5-4. REPLACEMENT OF THE FULLERASE HEAD1. Disconnect a connector.2. Unscrew a screw (E) and remove the Full EraseHead (Figure M13).Figure M13IMPEDANCEROLLER3. The new Full Erase Head can be reinstalled byreversing the removal procedure.3-10